Source code for ngclearn.components.neurons.graded.rateCell

from ngcsimlib.component import Component
from jax import numpy as jnp, random, jit, nn
from functools import partial
from ngclearn.utils.model_utils import create_function, threshold_soft, \
import time, sys
from ngclearn.utils.diffeq.ode_utils import get_integrator_code, \
                                            step_euler, step_rk2

## rewritten code
@partial(jit, static_argnums=[3, 4, 5])
def _dfz_internal(z, j, j_td, tau_m, leak_gamma, priorType=None): ## raw dynamics
    z_leak = z # * 2 ## Default: assume Gaussian
    if priorType != None:
        if priorType == "laplacian": ## Laplace dist
            z_leak = jnp.sign(z) ## d/dx of Laplace is signum
        elif priorType == "cauchy":  ## Cauchy dist: x ~ (1.0 + tf.math.square(z))
            z_leak = (z * 2)/(1. + jnp.square(z))
        elif priorType == "exp":  ## Exp dist: x ~ -exp(-x^2)
            z_leak = jnp.exp(-jnp.square(z)) * z * 2
    dz_dt = (-z_leak * leak_gamma + (j + j_td)) * (1./tau_m)
    return dz_dt

def _dfz(t, z, params): ## diff-eq dynamics wrapper
    j, j_td, tau_m, leak_gamma, priorType = params
    dz_dt = _dfz_internal(z, j, j_td, tau_m, leak_gamma, priorType)
    return dz_dt

def modulate(j, dfx_val):
    Apply a signal modulator to j (typically of the form of a derivative/dampening function)

        j: current/stimulus value to modulate

        dfx_val: modulator signal

        modulated j value
    return j * dfx_val

[docs] def run_cell(dt, j, j_td, z, tau_m, leak_gamma=0., beta=1., integType=0, priorType=None): """ Runs leaky rate-coded state dynamics one step in time. Args: dt: integration time constant j: input (bottom-up) electrical/stimulus current j_td: modulatory (top-down) electrical/stimulus pressure z: current value of membrane/state tau_m: membrane/state time constant leak_gamma: strength of leak to apply to membrane/state beta: dampening coefficient (Default: 1.) integType: integration type to use (0 --> Euler/RK1, 1 --> Midpoint/RK2) priorType: scale-shift prior distribution to impose over neural dynamics Returns: New value of membrane/state for next time step """ if integType == 1: params = (j, j_td, tau_m, leak_gamma, priorType) _, _z = step_rk2(0., z, _dfz, dt, params) else: params = (j, j_td, tau_m, leak_gamma, priorType) _, _z = step_euler(0., z, _dfz, dt, params) return _z
@jit def run_cell_stateless(j): """ A simplification of running a stateless set of dynamics over j (an identity functional form of dynamics). Args: j: stimulus to do nothing to Returns: the stimulus """ return j + 0
[docs] class RateCell(Component): ## Rate-coded/real-valued cell """ A non-spiking cell driven by the gradient dynamics of neural generative coding-driven predictive processing. Args: name: the string name of this cell n_units: number of cellular entities (neural population size) tau_m: membrane/state time constant (milliseconds) prior: a kernel for specifying the type of centered scale-shift distribution to impose over neuronal dynamics, applied to each neuron or dimension within this component (Default: ("gaussian", 0)); this is a tuple with 1st element containing a string name of the distribution one wants to use while the second value is a `leak rate` scalar that controls the influence/weighting that this distribution has on the dynamics; for example, ("laplacian, 0.001") means that a centered laplacian distribution scaled by `0.001` will be injected into this cell's dynamics ODE each step of simulated time :Note: supported scale-shift distributions include "laplacian", "cauchy", "exp", and "gaussian" act_fx: string name of activation function/nonlinearity to use integration_type: type of integration to use for this cell's dynamics; current supported forms include "euler" (Euler/RK-1 integration) and "midpoint" or "rk2" (midpoint method/RK-2 integration) (Default: "euler") :Note: setting the integration type to the midpoint method will increase the accuray of the estimate of the cell's evolution at an increase in computational cost (and simulation time) key: PRNG Key to control determinism of any underlying random values associated with this cell useVerboseDict: triggers slower, verbose dictionary mode (Default: False) """ ## Class Methods for Compartment Names
[docs] @classmethod def inputCompartmentName(cls): return 'j' ## electrical current
[docs] @classmethod def outputCompartmentName(cls): # OR: activityName() return 'zF' ## rate-coded output
[docs] @classmethod def pressureName(cls): return 'j_td'
[docs] @classmethod def rateActivityName(cls): return 'z'
## Bind Properties to Compartments for ease of use @property def inputCompartment(self): return self.compartments.get(self.inputCompartmentName(), None) @inputCompartment.setter def inputCompartment(self, out): self.compartments[self.inputCompartmentName()] = out @property def outputCompartment(self): return self.compartments.get(self.outputCompartmentName(), None) @outputCompartment.setter def outputCompartment(self, out): self.compartments[self.outputCompartmentName()] = out @property def current(self): return self.compartments.get(self.inputCompartmentName(), None) @current.setter def current(self, inp): self.compartments[self.inputCompartmentName()] = inp @property def pressure(self): return self.compartments.get(self.pressureName(), None) @pressure.setter def pressure(self, inp): self.compartments[self.pressureName()] = inp @property def rateActivity(self): return self.compartments.get(self.rateActivityName(), None) @rateActivity.setter def rateActivity(self, out): self.compartments[self.rateActivityName()] = out @property def activity(self): return self.compartments.get(self.outputCompartmentName(), None) @activity.setter def activity(self, out): self.compartments[self.outputCompartmentName()] = out # Define Functions def __init__(self, name, n_units, tau_m, prior=("gaussian", 0.), act_fx="identity", threshold=("none", 0.), integration_type="euler", key=None, useVerboseDict=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, useVerboseDict, **kwargs) ##Random Number Set up self.key = key if self.key is None: self.key = random.PRNGKey(time.time_ns()) ## membrane parameter setup (affects ODE integration) self.tau_m = tau_m ## membrane time constant -- setting to 0 triggers "stateless" mode priorType, leakRate = prior self.priorType = priorType ## type of scale-shift prior to impose over the leak self.priorLeakRate = leakRate ## degree to which rate neurons leak (according to prior) thresholdType, thr_lmbda = threshold self.thresholdType = thresholdType ## type of thresholding function to use self.thr_lmbda = thr_lmbda ## scale to drive thresholding dynamics ## integration properties self.integrationType = integration_type self.intgFlag = get_integrator_code(self.integrationType) ##Layer Size Setup self.n_units = n_units self.batch_size = 1 self.fx, self.dfx = create_function(fun_name=act_fx) self.reset()
[docs] def verify_connections(self): self.metadata.check_incoming_connections(self.inputCompartmentName(), min_connections=1)
[docs] def advance_state(self, t, dt, **kwargs): if self.tau_m > 0.: ### run a step of integration over neuronal dynamics ## Notes: ## self.pressure <-- "top-down" expectation / contextual pressure ## self.current <-- "bottom-up" data-dependent signal dfx_val = self.dfx(self.rateActivity) self.current = modulate(self.current, dfx_val) z = run_cell(dt, self.current, self.pressure, self.rateActivity, self.tau_m, leak_gamma=self.priorLeakRate, integType=self.intgFlag, priorType=self.priorType) ## apply optional thresholding sub-dynamics if self.thresholdType == "soft_threshold": z = threshold_soft(z, self.thr_lmbda) elif self.thresholdType == "cauchy_threshold": z = threshold_cauchy(z, self.thr_lmbda) self.rateActivity = z self.activity = self.fx(self.rateActivity) self.current = None else: ## run in "stateless" mode (when no membrane time constant provided) self.rateActivity = run_cell_stateless(self.current) self.activity = self.fx(self.rateActivity)
#self.current = None
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): self.current = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) self.pressure = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) self.rateActivity = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) self.activity = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units))
[docs] def save(self, **kwargs): pass