Source code for ngclearn.components.neurons.spiking.sLIFCell

from ngcsimlib.component import Component
from jax import numpy as jnp, random, jit
from functools import partial
import time, sys
from ngclearn.utils.diffeq.ode_utils import get_integrator_code, \
                                            step_euler, step_rk2
from ngclearn.utils.surrogate_fx import secant_lif_estimator

def update_times(t, s, tols):
    Updates time-of-last-spike (tols) variable.

        t: current time (a scalar/int value)

        s: binary spike vector

        tols: current time-of-last-spike variable

        updated tols variable
    _tols = (1. - s) * tols + (s * t)
    return _tols

@partial(jit, static_argnums=[3,4])
def modify_current(j, spikes, inh_weights, R_m, inh_R):
    A simple function that modifies electrical current j via application of a
    scalar membrane resistance value and an approximate form of lateral inhibition.
    Note that if no inhibitory resistance is set (i.e., inh_R = 0), then no
    lateral inhibition is applied. Functionally, this routine carries out the
    following piecewise equation:

    | j * R_m - [Wi * s(t-dt)] * inh_R, if inh_R > 0
    | j * R_m, otherwise

        j: electrical current value

        spikes: previous binary spike vector (for t-dt)

        inh_weights: lateral recurrent inhibitory synapses (typically should be
            chosen to be a scaled hollow matrix)

        R_m: membrane resistance (to multiply/scale j by)

        inh_R: inhibitory resistance to scale lateral inhibitory current by; if
            inh_R = 0, NO lateral inhibitory pressure will be applied

        modified electrical current value
    _j = j * R_m
    if inh_R > 0.:
        _j = _j - (jnp.matmul(spikes, inh_weights) * inh_R)
    return _j

## co-routines for run_cell
# @partial(jit, static_argnums=[4,5,6])
# def _update_voltage(dt, j, v, rfr, tau_m, refract_T, v_min=None):
#     mask = (rfr >= refract_T).astype(jnp.float32) # get refractory mask
#     _v = (v + (-v + j) * (dt / tau_m)) * mask
#     if v_min is not None:
#         _v = jnp.maximum(v_min, _v)
#     #_v = v + (-v) * (dt / tau_m) + j * mask
#     return _v, mask

def _dfv_internal(j, v, rfr, tau_m, refract_T): ## raw voltage dynamics
    mask = (rfr >= refract_T).astype(jnp.float32) # get refractory mask
    #dv_dt = ((-v + j) * (dt / tau_m)) * mask
    dv_dt = (-v + j)
    dv_dt = dv_dt * (1./tau_m) * mask
    return dv_dt

def _dfv(t, v, params): ## voltage dynamics wrapper
    j, rfr, tau_m, refract_T = params
    dv_dt = _dfv_internal(j, v, rfr, tau_m, refract_T)
    return dv_dt

def _hyperpolarize(v, s):
    _v = (1. - s) * v ## hyper-polarize cells
    return _v

@partial(jit, static_argnums=[3,4,5])
def _update_threshold(dt, v_thr, spikes, thrGain=0.002, thrLeak=0.0005, rho_b = 0.):
    ## update thresholds if applicable
    if rho_b > 0.: ## run sparsity-enforcement threshold
        dthr = jnp.sum(spikes, axis=1, keepdims=True) - 1.0
        _v_thr = jnp.maximum(v_thr + dthr * rho_b, 0.025)
    else: ## run simple adaptive threshold
        thr_gain = spikes * thrGain
        thr_leak = (v_thr * thrLeak)
        _v_thr = v_thr + thr_gain - thr_leak
    return _v_thr

@partial(jit, static_argnums=[4])
def _update_refract_and_spikes(dt, rfr, s, refract_T, sticky_spikes=False):
    mask = (rfr >= refract_T).astype(jnp.float32) ## Note: wasted repeated compute
    ## update refractory variables
    _rfr = (rfr + dt) * (1. - s) + s * dt # set refract to dt
    _s = s
    if sticky_spikes == True: ## pin refractory spikes if configured
        _s = s * mask + (1. - mask)
    return _rfr, _s

[docs] def run_cell(dt, j, v, v_thr, tau_m, rfr, spike_fx, refract_T=1., thrGain=0.002, thrLeak=0.0005, rho_b = 0., sticky_spikes=False, v_min=None): """ Runs leaky integrator neuronal dynamics Args: dt: integration time constant (milliseconds, or ms) j: electrical current value v: membrane potential (voltage) value (at t) v_thr: voltage threshold value (at t) tau_m: cell membrane time constant rfr: refractory variable vector (one per neuronal cell) spike_fx: spike emission function of form `spike_fx(v, v_thr)` refract_T: (relative) refractory time period (in ms; Default value is 1 ms) thrGain: the amount of threshold incremented per time step (if spike present) thrLeak: the amount of threshold value leaked per time step rho_b: sparsity factor; if > 0, will force adaptive threshold to operate with sparsity across a layer enforced sticky_spikes: if True, then spikes are pinned at value of action potential (i.e., 1) for as long as the relative refractory occurs (this recovers the source paper's core spiking process) Returns: voltage(t+dt), spikes, threshold(t+dt), updated refactory variables """ #new_voltage, mask = _update_voltage(dt, j, v, rfr, tau_m, refract_T, v_min) v_params = (j, rfr, tau_m, refract_T) _, _v = step_euler(0., v, _dfv, dt, v_params) #_v = step_euler(v, v_params, _dfv, dt) # if v_min is not None: # _v = jnp.maximum(v_min, _v) spikes = spike_fx(_v, v_thr) _v = _hyperpolarize(_v, spikes) new_thr = _update_threshold(dt, v_thr, spikes, thrGain, thrLeak, rho_b) _rfr, spikes = _update_refract_and_spikes(dt, rfr, spikes, refract_T, sticky_spikes) return _v, spikes, new_thr, _rfr
[docs] class SLIFCell(Component): ## leaky integrate-and-fire cell """ A spiking cell based on a simplified leaky integrate-and-fire (sLIF) model. This neuronal cell notably contains functionality required by the computational model employed by (Samadi et al., 2017, i.e., a surrogate derivative function and "sticky spikes") as well as the additional incorporation of an adaptive threshold (per unit) scheme. (Note that this particular spiking cell only supports Euler integration of its voltage dynamics.) | Reference: | Samadi, Arash, Timothy P. Lillicrap, and Douglas B. Tweed. "Deep learning with | dynamic spiking neurons and fixed feedback weights." Neural computation 29.3 | (2017): 578-602. Args: name: the string name of this cell n_units: number of cellular entities (neural population size) tau_m: membrane time constant R_m: membrane resistance value thr: base value for adaptive thresholds (initial condition for per-cell thresholds) that govern short-term plasticity inhibit_R: lateral modulation factor (DEFAULT: 6.); if >0, this will trigger a heuristic form of lateral inhibition via an internally integrated hollow matrix multiplication thr_persist: are adaptive thresholds persistent? (Default: False) :Note: depending on the value of this boolean variable: True = adaptive thresholds are NEVER reset upon call to reset False = adaptive thresholds are reset to "thr" upon call to reset thrGain: how much adaptive thresholds increment by thrLeak: how much adaptive thresholds are decremented/decayed by refract_T: relative refractory period time (ms; Default: 1 ms) rho_b: threshold sparsity factor (Default: 0) sticky_spikes: if True, spike variables will be pinned to action potential value (i.e, 1) throughout duration of the refractory period; this recovers a key setting used by Samadi et al., 2017 thr_jitter: scale of uniform jitter to add to initialization of thresholds key: PRNG key to control determinism of any underlying random values associated with this cell useVerboseDict: triggers slower, verbose dictionary mode (Default: False) directory: string indicating directory on disk to save sLIF parameter values to (i.e., initial threshold values and any persistent adaptive threshold values) """ ## Class Methods for Compartment Names
[docs] @classmethod def inputCompartmentName(cls): return 'j' ## electrical current
[docs] @classmethod def outputCompartmentName(cls): return 's' ## spike/action potential
[docs] @classmethod def timeOfLastSpikeCompartmentName(cls): return 'tols' ## time-of-last-spike (record vector)
[docs] @classmethod def voltageCompartmentName(cls): return 'v' ## membrane potential/voltage
[docs] @classmethod def thresholdCompartmentName(cls): return 'thr' ## action potential threshold
[docs] @classmethod def refractCompartmentName(cls): return 'rfr' ## refractory variable(s)
[docs] @classmethod def surrogateCompartmentName(cls): return 'surrogate'
## Bind Properties to Compartments for ease of use @property def current(self): return self.compartments.get(self.inputCompartmentName(), None) @current.setter def current(self, inp): self.compartments[self.inputCompartmentName()] = inp @property def surrogate(self): return self.compartments.get(self.surrogateCompartmentName(), None) @surrogate.setter def surrogate(self, inp): self.compartments[self.surrogateCompartmentName()] = inp @property def spikes(self): return self.compartments.get(self.outputCompartmentName(), None) @spikes.setter def spikes(self, out): self.compartments[self.outputCompartmentName()] = out @property def timeOfLastSpike(self): return self.compartments.get(self.timeOfLastSpikeCompartmentName(), None) @timeOfLastSpike.setter def timeOfLastSpike(self, t): self.compartments[self.timeOfLastSpikeCompartmentName()] = t @property def voltage(self): return self.compartments.get(self.voltageCompartmentName(), None) @voltage.setter def voltage(self, v): self.compartments[self.voltageCompartmentName()] = v @property def refract(self): return self.compartments.get(self.refractCompartmentName(), None) @refract.setter def refract(self, rfr): self.compartments[self.refractCompartmentName()] = rfr @property def threshold(self): return self.compartments.get(self.thresholdCompartmentName(), None) @threshold.setter def threshold(self, thr): self.compartments[self.thresholdCompartmentName()] = thr # Define Functions def __init__(self, name, n_units, tau_m, R_m, thr, inhibit_R=0., thr_persist=False, thrGain=0.0, thrLeak=0.0, rho_b=0., refract_T=0., sticky_spikes=False, thr_jitter=0.05, key=None, useVerboseDict=False, directory=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, useVerboseDict, **kwargs) ##Random Number Set up self.key = key if self.key is None: self.key = random.PRNGKey(time.time_ns()) ## membrane parameter setup (affects ODE integration) self.tau_m = tau_m ## membrane time constant self.R_m = R_m ## resistance value self.refract_T = refract_T #5. # 2. ## refractory period # ms self.v_min = -3. ## variable below determines if spikes pinned at 1 during refractory period? self.sticky_spikes = sticky_spikes ## set up surrogate function for spike emission self.spike_fx, self.d_spike_fx = secant_lif_estimator() ## create simple recurrent inhibitory pressure self.inh_R = inhibit_R ## lateral inhibitory magnitude self.key, subkey = random.split(self.key) self.inh_weights = random.uniform(subkey, (n_units, n_units), minval=0.025, maxval=1.) MV = 1. - jnp.eye(n_units) self.inh_weights = self.inh_weights * MV ##Layer Size Setup self.n_units = n_units self.batch_size = 1 ## adaptive threshold setup self.rho_b = rho_b self.thr_persist = thr_persist ## are adapted thresholds persistent? True (persistent) self.thrGain = thrGain #0.0005 self.thrLeak = thrLeak #0.00005 if directory is None: self.thr_jitter = thr_jitter ## some random jitter to ensure thresholds start off different self.key, subkey = random.split(self.key) #self.threshold = random.uniform(subkey, (1, n_units), minval=thr, maxval=1.25 * thr) self.threshold0 = thr + random.uniform(subkey, (1, n_units), minval=-self.thr_jitter, maxval=self.thr_jitter, dtype=jnp.float32) self.threshold = self.threshold0 + 0 ## save initial threshold else: self.load(directory) self.reset()
[docs] def verify_connections(self): self.metadata.check_incoming_connections(self.inputCompartmentName(), min_connections=1)
[docs] def advance_state(self, t, dt, **kwargs): if self.spikes is None: self.spikes = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) if self.refract is None: self.refract = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) + self.refract_T ## run one step of Euler integration over neuronal dynamics j_curr = self.current ## apply simplified inhibitory pressure j_curr = modify_current(j_curr, self.spikes, self.inh_weights, self.R_m, self.inh_R) self.current = j_curr # None ## store electrical current self.surrogate = self.d_spike_fx(j_curr, c1=0.82, c2=0.08) self.voltage, self.spikes, self.threshold, self.refract = \ run_cell(dt, j_curr, self.voltage, self.threshold, self.tau_m, self.refract, self.spike_fx, self.refract_T, self.thrGain, self.thrLeak, self.rho_b, sticky_spikes=self.sticky_spikes, v_min=self.v_min) ## update tols self.timeOfLastSpike = update_times(t, self.spikes, self.timeOfLastSpike)
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): self.voltage = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) self.refract = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) + self.refract_T self.current = None self.surrogate = None self.timeOfLastSpike = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) self.spikes = jnp.zeros((self.batch_size, self.n_units)) #None if self.thr_persist == False: ## if thresh non-persistent, reset to base value self.threshold = self.threshold0 + 0
[docs] def save(self, directory, **kwargs): file_name = directory + "/" + + ".npz" if self.thr_persist == False: jnp.savez(file_name, threshold=self.threshold0) else: jnp.savez(file_name, threshold=self.threshold)
[docs] def load(self, directory, **kwargs): file_name = directory + "/" + + ".npz" data = jnp.load(file_name) self.threshold = data['threshold'] self.threshold0 = self.threshold + 0