Source code for ngclearn.components.other.expKernel

from ngcsimlib.component import Component
from jax import numpy as jnp, random, jit
from functools import partial
import time, sys

@partial(jit, static_argnums=[5,6])
def apply_kernel(tf_curr, s, t, tau_w, win_len, krn_start, krn_end):
    idx_sub = tf_curr.shape[0]-1
    tf_new = (s * t) ## track new spike time(s)
    tf =[idx_sub,:,:].set(tf_new)
    tf = jnp.roll(tf, shift=-1, axis=0) # 1,2,3  2,3,1

    ## apply exp time kernel
    ## EPSP = sum_{tf} exp(-(t - tf)/tau_w)
    _tf = tf[krn_start:krn_end,:,:]
    mask = jnp.greater(_tf, 0.).astype(jnp.float32) # 1 for every valid tf (non-zero)
    epsp = jnp.sum( jnp.exp( -(t - _tf)/tau_w ) * mask, axis=0 )
    return tf, epsp

[docs] class ExpKernel(Component): ## Exponential spike kernel """ A spiking function based on an exponential kernel applied to a moving window of spike times. Args: name: the string name of this operator n_units: number of calculating entities or units nu: (ms, spike time interval for window) tau_w: spike window time constant (in micro-secs, or nano-s) key: PRNG key to control determinism of any underlying random values associated with this cell useVerboseDict: triggers slower, verbose dictionary mode (Default: False) directory: string indicating directory on disk to save sLIF parameter values to (i.e., initial threshold values and any persistent adaptive threshold values) """ ## Class Methods for Compartment Names
[docs] @classmethod def inputCompartmentName(cls): return 'in'
[docs] @classmethod def outputCompartmentName(cls): return 'out'
## Bind Properties to Compartments for ease of use @property def inputCompartment(self): return self.compartments.get(self.inputCompartmentName(), None) @inputCompartment.setter def inputCompartment(self, inp): self.compartments[self.inputCompartmentName()] = inp @property def epsp(self): return self.compartments.get(self.outputCompartmentName(), None) @epsp.setter def epsp(self, inp): self.compartments[self.outputCompartmentName()] = inp # Define Functions def __init__(self, name, n_units, tau_w=500., nu=4., key=None, useVerboseDict=False, directory=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, useVerboseDict, **kwargs) ##Random Number Set up self.key = key if self.key is None: self.key = random.PRNGKey(time.time_ns()) ##TMP self.key, subkey = random.split(self.key) ## trace control coefficients self.tau_w = tau_w ## kernel window time constant = nu self.win_len = int(nu/dt) + 1 ## window length = None #[] ## window of spike times # cell compartments # self.comp["in"] = None # self.comp["epsp"] = None ## this emits a numeric "pulse" () # self.comp["tf"] = [] # window of spike times ##Layer Size Setup self.n_units = n_units self.reset()
[docs] def verify_connections(self): self.metadata.check_incoming_connections(self.inputCompartmentName(), min_connections=1)
[docs] def advance_state(self, t, dt, **kwargs): #self.t = self.t + self.dt self.gather() s = self.inputCompartment #self.comp["in"] ## get incoming spike readout tf = #self.comp["tf"] ## get current window/volume _tf, epsp = apply_kernel(tf, s, self.t, self.tau_w, self.win_len, krn_start=0, krn_end=self.win_len-1) #0:win_len-1) = _tf ## get 2D batch matrix self.epsp = epsp ## update spike time window
# self.comp["epsp"] = epsp ## get 2D batch matrix # self.comp["tf"] = _tf ## update spike time window #self.inputCompartment = None
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): = jnp.zeros([self.win_len, batch_size, self.n_units]) #self.comp["tf"] = jnp.zeros([self.win_len, batch_size, self.n_units]) self.inputCompartment = None self.outputCompartment = None
[docs] def save(self, **kwargs): pass