Source code for ngclearn.components.synapses.hebbian.hebbianSynapse

from ngcsimlib.component import Component
from jax import random, numpy as jnp, jit
from functools import partial
from ngclearn.utils.model_utils import initialize_params
from ngclearn.utils.optim import SGD, Adam
import time

@partial(jit, static_argnums=[3,4,5,6,7,8])
def calc_update(pre, post, W, w_bound, is_nonnegative=True, signVal=1., w_decay=0.,
                pre_wght=1., post_wght=1.):
    Compute a tensor of adjustments to be applied to a synaptic value matrix.

        pre: pre-synaptic statistic to drive Hebbian update

        post: post-synaptic statistic to drive Hebbian update

        W: synaptic weight values (at time t)

        w_bound: maximum value to enforce over newly computed efficacies

        is_nonnegative: (Unused)

        signVal: multiplicative factor to modulate final update by (good for
            flipping the signs of a computed synaptic change matrix)

        w_decay: synaptic decay factor to apply to this update

        pre_wght: pre-synaptic weighting term (Default: 1.)

        post_wght: post-synaptic weighting term (Default: 1.)

        an update/adjustment matrix, an update adjustment vector (for biases)
    _pre = pre * pre_wght
    _post = post * post_wght
    dW = jnp.matmul(_pre.T, _post)
    db = jnp.sum(_post, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    if w_bound > 0.:
        dW = dW * (w_bound - jnp.abs(W))
    if w_decay > 0.:
        dW = dW - W * w_decay
    return dW * signVal, db * signVal

@partial(jit, static_argnums=[1,2])
def enforce_constraints(W, w_bound, is_nonnegative=True):
    Enforces constraints that the (synaptic) efficacies/values within matrix
    `W` must adhere to.

        W: synaptic weight values (at time t)

        w_bound: maximum value to enforce over newly computed efficacies

        is_nonnegative: ensure updated value matrix is strictly non-negative

        the newly evolved synaptic weight value matrix
    _W = W
    if w_bound > 0.:
        if is_nonnegative == True:
            _W = jnp.clip(_W, 0., w_bound)
            _W = jnp.clip(_W, -w_bound, w_bound)
    return _W

def compute_layer(inp, weight, biases, Rscale):
    Applies the transformation/projection induced by the synaptic efficacie
    associated with this synaptic cable

        inp: signal input to run through this synaptic cable

        weight: this cable's synaptic value matrix

        biases: this cable's bias value vector

        Rscale: scale factor to apply to synapses before transform applied
            to input values

        a projection/transformation of input "inp"
    return jnp.matmul(inp, weight * Rscale) + biases

[docs] class HebbianSynapse(Component): """ A synaptic cable that adjusts its efficacies via a two-factor Hebbian adjustment rule. Args: name: the string name of this cell shape: tuple specifying shape of this synaptic cable (usually a 2-tuple with number of inputs by number of outputs) eta: global learning rate wInit: a kernel to drive initialization of this synaptic cable's values; typically a tuple with 1st element as a string calling the name of initialization to use, e.g., ("uniform", -0.1, 0.1) samples U(-1,1) for each dimension/value of this cable's underlying value matrix bInit: a kernel to drive initialization of biases for this synaptic cable (Default: None, which turns off/disables biases) w_bound: maximum weight to softly bound this cable's value matrix to; if set to 0, then no synaptic value bounding will be applied is_nonnegative: enforce that synaptic efficacies are always non-negative after each synaptic update (if False, no constraint will be applied) w_decay: degree to which (L2) synaptic weight decay is applied to the computed Hebbian adjustment (Default: 0); note that decay is not applied to any configured biases signVal: multiplicative factor to apply to final synaptic update before it is applied to synapses; this is useful if gradient descent style optimization is required (as Hebbian rules typically yield adjustments for ascent) optim_type: optimization scheme to physically alter synaptic values once an update is computed (Default: "sgd"); supported schemes include "sgd" and "adam" :Note: technically, if "sgd" or "adam" is used but `signVal = 1`, then the ascent form of each rule is employed (signVal = -1) or a negative learning rate will mean a descent form of the `optim_scheme` is being employed pre_wght: pre-synaptic weighting factor (Default: 1.) post_wght: post-synaptic weighting factor (Default: 1.) Rscale: a fixed scaling factor to apply to synaptic transform (Default: 1.), i.e., yields: out = ((W * Rscale) * in) + b key: PRNG key to control determinism of any underlying random values associated with this synaptic cable useVerboseDict: triggers slower, verbose dictionary mode (Default: False) directory: string indicating directory on disk to save synaptic parameter values to (i.e., initial threshold values and any persistent adaptive threshold values) """ ## Class Methods for Compartment Names
[docs] @classmethod def inputCompartmentName(cls): return 'in'
[docs] @classmethod def outputCompartmentName(cls): return 'out'
[docs] @classmethod def triggerName(cls): return 'trigger'
[docs] @classmethod def presynapticCompartmentName(cls): return 'pre'
[docs] @classmethod def postsynapticCompartmentName(cls): return 'post'
## Bind Properties to Compartments for ease of use @property def trigger(self): return self.compartments.get(self.triggerName(), None) @trigger.setter def trigger(self, x): self.compartments[self.triggerName()] = x @property def inputCompartment(self): return self.compartments.get(self.inputCompartmentName(), None) @inputCompartment.setter def inputCompartment(self, x): self.compartments[self.inputCompartmentName()] = x @property def outputCompartment(self): return self.compartments.get(self.outputCompartmentName(), None) @outputCompartment.setter def outputCompartment(self, x): self.compartments[self.outputCompartmentName()] = x @property def presynapticCompartment(self): return self.compartments.get(self.presynapticCompartmentName(), None) @presynapticCompartment.setter def presynapticCompartment(self, x): self.compartments[self.presynapticCompartmentName()] = x @property def postsynapticCompartment(self): return self.compartments.get(self.postsynapticCompartmentName(), None) @postsynapticCompartment.setter def postsynapticCompartment(self, x): self.compartments[self.postsynapticCompartmentName()] = x # Define Functions def __init__(self, name, shape, eta=0., wInit=("uniform", 0., 0.3), bInit=None, w_bound=1., is_nonnegative=False, w_decay=0., signVal=1., optim_type="sgd", pre_wght=1., post_wght=1., Rscale=1., key=None, useVerboseDict=False, directory=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, useVerboseDict, **kwargs) ## random Number Set up self.key = key if self.key is None: self.key = random.PRNGKey(time.time_ns()) ## synaptic plasticity properties and characteristics self.shape = shape self.Rscale = Rscale self.w_bounds = w_bound self.w_decay = w_decay ## synaptic decay self.pre_wght = pre_wght self.post_wght = post_wght self.eta = eta self.wInit = wInit self.bInit = bInit self.is_nonnegative = is_nonnegative self.signVal = signVal ## optimization / adjustment properties (given learning dynamics above) self.opt = None if optim_type == "adam": self.opt = Adam(learning_rate=self.eta) else: ## default is SGD self.opt = SGD(learning_rate=self.eta) if directory is None: self.key, subkey = random.split(self.key) self.weights = initialize_params(subkey, wInit, shape) if self.bInit is not None: self.key, subkey = random.split(self.key) self.biases = initialize_params(subkey, bInit, (1, shape[1])) else: self.load(directory) ##Reset to initialize stuff self.reset() self.dW = None self.db = None
[docs] def verify_connections(self): self.metadata.check_incoming_connections(self.inputCompartmentName(), min_connections=1)
[docs] def advance_state(self, **kwargs): biases = 0. if self.bInit != None: biases = self.biases self.outputCompartment = compute_layer(self.inputCompartment, self.weights, biases, self.Rscale)
[docs] def evolve(self, t, dt, **kwargs): dW, db = calc_update(self.presynapticCompartment, self.postsynapticCompartment, self.weights, self.w_bounds, is_nonnegative=self.is_nonnegative, signVal=self.signVal, w_decay=self.w_decay, pre_wght=self.pre_wght, post_wght=self.post_wght) self.dW = dW self.db = db ## conduct a step of optimization - get newly evolved synaptic weight value matrix if self.bInit != None: theta = [self.weights, self.biases] self.opt.update(theta, [dW, db]) self.weights = theta[0] self.biases = theta[1] else: # ignore db since no biases configured theta = [self.weights] self.opt.update(theta, [dW]) self.weights = theta[0] ## ensure synaptic efficacies adhere to constraints self.weights = enforce_constraints(self.weights, self.w_bounds, is_nonnegative=self.is_nonnegative)
[docs] def reset(self, **kwargs): self.inputCompartment = None self.outputCompartment = None self.presynapticCompartment = None self.postsynapticCompartment = None self.dW = None self.db = None
[docs] def save(self, directory, **kwargs): file_name = directory + "/" + + ".npz" if self.bInit != None: jnp.savez(file_name, weights=self.weights, biases=self.biases) else: jnp.savez(file_name, weights=self.weights)
[docs] def load(self, directory, **kwargs): file_name = directory + "/" + + ".npz" data = jnp.load(file_name) self.weights = data['weights'] if "biases" in data.keys(): self.biases = data['biases']