Source code for ngclearn.utils.density.gmm

from jax import numpy as jnp, random, jit
from functools import partial
import time, sys
import numpy as np
#from sklearn import mixture
#from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
#from ngclearn.utils.stat_utils import calc_log_gauss_pdf
from ngclearn.utils.model_utils import softmax
#from kmeans import K_Means
from sklearn import mixture

#seed = 69

[docs] class GMM: """ Implements a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) -- or mixture of Gaussians, MoG. Adaptation of parameters is conducted via the Expectation-Maximization (EM) learning algorithm and leverages full covariance matrices in the component multivariate Gaussians. Note this is a (JAX) wrapper model that houses the sklearn implementation for learning. The sampling process has been rewritten to utilize GPU matrix computation. Args: k: the number of components/latent variables within this GMM max_iter: the maximum number of EM iterations to fit parameters to data (Default = 5) assume_diag_cov: if True, assumes a diagonal covariance for each component (Default = False) init_kmeans: if True, first learn use the K-Means algorithm to initialize the component Gaussians of this GMM (Default = True) """ def __init__(self, k, max_iter=5, assume_diag_cov=False, init_kmeans=True): self.use_sklearn = True self.k = k self.max_iter = int(max_iter) self.assume_diag_cov = assume_diag_cov self.init_kmeans = init_kmeans = [] self.sigma = [] self.prec = [] self.weights = None self.z_weights = None # variables for parameterizing weights for SGD
[docs] def fit(self, data): """ Run full fitting process of this GMM. Args: data: the dataset to fit this GMM to """ pass
[docs] def update(self, X): """ Performs a single iterative update of parameters (assuming model initialized) Args: X: the dataset / design matrix to fit this GMM to """ pass
[docs] def sample(self, n_s, mode_i=-1, samples_modes_evenly=False): """ (Efficiently) Draw samples from the current underlying GMM model Args: n_s: the number of samples to draw from this GMM mode_i: if >= 0, will only draw samples from a specific component of this GMM (Default = -1), ignoring the Categorical prior over latent variables/components samples_modes_evenly: if True, will ignore the Categorical prior over latent variables/components and draw an approximately equal number of samples from each component """ pass