Source code for ngclearn.utils.surrogate_fx

A builder sub-package for spike emission functions that are mapped to
surrogate (derivative) functions; these function builders are useful if
differentiation through the discrete spike emission steps in spiking neuronal
cells is required (e.g., cases of surrogate backprop,
broadcast feedback alignment schemes, etc.). Calling the builder estimator
functions below returns the following routines:
1) a spike emission routine `spike_fx`;
2) the surrogate function used to approximate spike emission `surr_fx`;
3) the corresponding surrogate derivative routine `d_spike_fx`.
from jax import numpy as jnp, random, jit, nn
from functools import partial
import time, sys

[docs] def straight_through_estimator(get_surr_fx=False): """ The straight-through estimator (STE) applied to binary spike emission (the Heaviside function). | Bengio, Yoshua, Nicholas LĂ©onard, and Aaron Courville. "Estimating or | propagating gradients through stochastic neurons for conditional | computation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.3432 (2013). Returns: ( spike_fx(x, thr), d_spike_fx(x, thr) ) OR ( spike_fx(x, thr), surr_fx(x, thr, args), d_spike_fx(x, thr, args) ) """ @jit def spike_fx(v, thr): return (v > thr).astype(jnp.float32) @jit def d_spike_fx(v, thr): return v * 0 + 1. if get_surr_fx == True: return spike_fx, spike_fx, d_spike_fx else: return spike_fx, d_spike_fx
[docs] def triangular_estimator(get_surr_fx=False): """ The triangular surrogate gradient estimator for binary spike emission. Returns: ( spike_fx(x, thr), d_spike_fx(x, thr) ) OR ( spike_fx(x, thr), surr_fx(x, thr, args), d_spike_fx(x, thr, args) ) """ @jit def spike_fx(v, thr): return (v > thr).astype(jnp.float32) @jit def d_spike_fx(v, thr): mask = (v < thr).astype(jnp.float32) dfx = mask * thr - (1. - mask) * thr return dfx return dfx if get_surr_fx == True: return spike_fx, spike_fx, d_spike_fx else: return spike_fx, d_spike_fx
[docs] def arctan_estimator(get_surr_fx=False): """ The arctan surrogate gradient estimator for binary spike emission. | E(x) = (1/pi) arctan(pi * x) | dE(x)/dx = (1/pi) (1/(1 + (pi * x)^2)) | where x = v (membrane potential/voltage) Returns: ( spike_fx(x, thr), d_spike_fx(x, thr) ) OR ( spike_fx(x, thr), surr_fx(x, thr, args), d_spike_fx(x, thr, args) ) """ @jit def spike_fx(v, thr): return (v > thr).astype(jnp.float32) @jit def surr_fx(v, alpha=2.): pi = jnp.pi return jnp.arctan(v * (alpha/2.) * pi) * (1. / pi) @jit def d_spike_fx(v, thr=0., alpha=2.): pi = jnp.pi divTerm = jnp.square(v * pi * (alpha/2.)) dfx = (1./(1. + divTerm)) * (1./pi) return dfx if get_surr_fx == True: return spike_fx, surr_fx, d_spike_fx else: return spike_fx, d_spike_fx
[docs] def secant_lif_estimator(get_surr_fx=False): """ Surrogate function for computing derivative of (binary) spike function with respect to the input electrical current/drive to a leaky integrate-and-fire (LIF) neuron. (Note this is only useful for LIF neuronal dynamics.) | spike_fx(x) ~ E(x) = sech(x) = 1/cosh(x), cosh(x) = (e^x + e^(-x))/2 | dE(x)/dx = (c1 c2) * sech^2(c2 * x) for x > 0 and 0 for x <= 0 | where x = j (electrical current) | Reference: | Samadi, Arash, Timothy P. Lillicrap, and Douglas B. Tweed. "Deep learning with | dynamic spiking neurons and fixed feedback weights." Neural computation 29.3 | (2017): 578-602. Args: get_surr_fx: if True, makes this function also return the surrogate function that the derivative corresponds to Returns: ( spike_fx(x, thr), d_spike_fx(x, thr) ) OR ( spike_fx(x, thr), surr_fx(x, thr, args), d_spike_fx(x, thr, args) ) """ @jit def spike_fx(v, thr): #return jnp.where(new_voltage > v_thr, 1, 0) return (v > thr).astype(jnp.float32) @partial(jit, static_argnums=[4]) def surr_fx(j, thr=0., c1=0.82, c2=0.08, omit_scale=False): return jnp.maximum(0, nn.tanh(j * c2) * c1) @partial(jit, static_argnums=[4]) def d_spike_fx(j, thr=0., c1=0.82, c2=0.08, omit_scale=True): #c1=0.82, c2=0.08): """ | dE(x)/dj = scale * sech^2(c2 * j) for j > 0 and 0 for j <= 0; | where scale = (c1 * c2) if `omit_scale = False`, otherwise, scale = 1. Args: j: electrical current value thr: threshold voltage value (UNUSED) c1: control coefficient 1 (unnamed factor from paper - scales current input; Default: 0.82 as in source paper) c2: control coefficient 2 (unnamed factor from paper - scales, multiplicatively with c1, the output the derivative surrogate; Default: 0.08 as in source paper) omit_scale: preserves final scaling of dv_dj by (c1 * c2) if False and (Default: True) Returns: surrogate output values (same shape as j) """ mask = (j > 0.).astype(jnp.float32) dj = j * c2 cosh_j = (jnp.exp(dj) + jnp.exp(-dj))/2. sech_j = 1./cosh_j #(cosh_x + 1e-6) dv_dj = sech_j #* (c1 * c2) # ~deriv w.r.t. j if omit_scale == False: dv_dj = dv_dj * (c1 * c2) return dv_dj * mask ## 0 if j < 0, otherwise, use dv/dj for j >= 0 if get_surr_fx == True: return spike_fx, surr_fx, d_spike_fx else: return spike_fx, d_spike_fx