Source code for ngclearn.utils.viz.raster

Raster visualization functions/utilities.
import math
import random
#import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
import numpy as np
import imageio.v3 as iio
import jax.numpy as jnp

#suffix = '.jpg' #.png

def _create_raster_plot(spike_train, ax=None, s=1.5, c="black", marker="|",
                       plot_fname=None, indices=None, suffix='.jpg'):
    spk_ = spike_train
    # Process spikes and create the binary coordinate grid
    if len(spk_.shape) == 1:
        spk_ = jnp.expand_dims(spk_,axis=1)
    n_units = spk_.shape[1]
    if indices is not None and indices.shape[0] < spk_.shape[1]:
        spk_ = spk_[:,indices] # access specific neurons if requested
        if len(spk_.shape) > 1:
            n_units = spk_.shape[1]
            n_units = spk_.shape[0]
    coords = spk_.nonzero() #jnp.where(spk_) #tf.where(spk_).numpy()
    spk_x = coords[0] #coords[:,0]
    spk_y = coords[1] #coords[:,1]
    if ax is not None:
        ax.scatter(spk_x, spk_y, s=s, c=c, marker=marker,linewidths=4)
        yint = range(0, n_units)
        ax.set_yticklabels(yint, fontsize=12)
        return ax
        if plot_fname is None:
            plot_fname = "raster_plot" + suffix
        fig = plt.figure(facecolor="w", figsize=(10, 5))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.scatter(spk_x, spk_y, s=s, c=c, marker=marker)
        yint = range(0, n_units)
        ax.set_yticklabels(yint, fontsize=12)
        plt.title("Spike Train Raster Plot")
        plt.xlabel("Time Step")
        plt.ylabel("Neuron Index")

[docs] def create_raster_plot(spike_train, ax=None, s=0.5, c="black", plot_fname=None, indices=None, tag="", suffix='.jpg'): """ Generates a raster plot of a given (binary) spike train (row dimension corresponds to the discrete time dimension). Args: spike_train: a numpy binary array of shape (T x number_neurons) ax: a hook/pointer to a currently external plot that this raster plot should be made a sub-figure of s: size of the spike scatter points (Default = 1.5) c: color of the spike scatter points (Default = black) plot_fname: if ax is None, then this is the file name of the raster plot saved to disk (if plot_fname and ax are both None, then default plot_fname will be "raster_plot.png" and saved locally) indices: optional indices of neurons (row integer indices) to focus on plotting tag: suffix: output plot file suffix name to append """ n_count = spike_train.shape[0] step_count = spike_train.shape[1] save = False if ax is None: if plot_fname is None: plot_fname = "raster_plot" + suffix nc = n_count if indices is None else len(indices) fig_size = 5 if nc < 25 else int(nc / 5) plt.figure(figsize=(fig_size, fig_size)) # (fig_size * K, fig_size) plt.title("Spike Train Raster Plot, {}".format(tag)) plt.xlabel("Time Step") # plt.ylabel("Neuron Index") save = True ax = ax if ax is not None else plt events = [] for t in range(n_count): if indices is None or t in indices: e = spike_train[t,:].nonzero() events.append(e[0]) ax.eventplot(events, linelengths=s, colors=c) ax.yticks(ticks=[i for i in (range(n_count if indices is None else len(indices)))], labels=["N" + str(i) for i in (range(n_count) if indices is None else indices)]) ax.xticks(ticks=[i for i in range(0, step_count+1, max(int(step_count / 5), 1))]) if save: ax.savefig(plot_fname) ax.clf() ax.close() plt.close()
[docs] def create_overlay_raster_plot(spike_train, targ_train, Y, idxs, s=1.5, c="black", marker="|", plot_fname=None, indices=None, end_time=100, delay=10, suffix='.jpg'): """ Generates a raster plot of a given (binary) spike train (row dimension corresponds to the discrete time dimension). Args: spike_train: a numpy binary array of shape (T x number_neurons) ax: a hook/pointer to a currently external plot that this raster plot should be made a sub-figure of s: size of the spike scatter points (Default = 1.5) c: color of the spike scatter points (Default = black) marker: format of the marker used to represent each spike (Default = "|") plot_fname: if ax is None, then this is the file name of the raster plot saved to disk (if plot_fname and ax are both None, then default plot_fname will be "raster_plot.png" and saved locally) indices: optional indices of neurons (row integer indices) to focus on plotting end_time: delay: suffix: output plot file suffix name to append """ for idx in idxs: spk_ = jnp.concatenate([jnp.expand_dims(s[idx, :], axis=0) for s in spike_train], axis=0) trg_ = jnp.concatenate([jnp.expand_dims(s[idx, :], axis=0) for s in targ_train], axis=0) tag = "Label: " + str(jnp.argmax(Y[idx,:])) n_units = spk_.shape[1] correct_spikes = jnp.where(spk_ + trg_ == 2.) # black failed_spikes = jnp.where(spk_ < trg_) # blue extra_spikes = jnp.where(spk_ > trg_) # red if plot_fname is None: plot_fname = "raster_plot" + suffix fig = plt.figure(facecolor="w", figsize=(10, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) _x = correct_spikes[0] #coords[:,0] _y = correct_spikes[1] #coords[:,1] ax.scatter(_x, _y, s=s, c="black", marker=marker) _x = failed_spikes[0] #coords[:,0] _y = failed_spikes[1] #coords[:,1] ax.scatter(_x, _y, s=s, c="blue", marker=marker) _x = extra_spikes[0] #coords[:,0] _y = extra_spikes[1] #coords[:,1] ax.scatter(_x, _y, s=s, c="red", marker=marker) yint = range(0, n_units) ax.set_yticks(yint) ax.set_yticklabels(yint, fontsize=12) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(jnp.arange(0, end_time + delay, delay)) plt.title("Overlay Raster Plot, {}".format(tag)) plt.xlabel("Time Step") plt.ylabel("Neuron Index") plt.savefig(plot_fname + '_' + str(idx) + suffix) plt.clf() plt.close()