Lesson 3: Building a Model

In this tutorial, we will build a simple controller made up of three components: two simple graded cells that are connected by one synaptic cable.

Setting Up the Desired Components

First, to ensure that we pull out the right modeling pieces from the ngc-learn/ngcsimlib “toolbox”, we should write our project’s JSON configuration file as follows:

    "absolute_path": "ngcsimlib.commands",
    "attributes": [
        "name": "AdvanceState",
        "keywords": ["advance"]
        "name": "Clamp",
        "keywords": ["clamp"]
        "name": "Reset",
        "keywords": ["reset"]
    "absolute_path": "ngclearn.components",
    "attributes": [
      {"name": "RateCell",
        "keywords": ["rate"]
        "name": "HebbianSynapse",
        "keywords": ["hebbian"]

where we see above that we have chosen to pull out the RateCell and the HebbianSynapse components along with the AdvanceState (keyword-bound to advance), Reset (keyword-bound to reset), and Clamp (keyword-bound to clamp) commands. The above JSON snippets would be placed in a JSON configuration file, usually in the default local folder, e.g., in /json_files/modules.json (though one can name this folder and config file anything they desire – so long as the proper flag is passed when executing the later Python script if different names beside the default are used).

We will next arrange these together to craft our system with the parts selected in our JSON configuration within a Python script.

Instantiating the Dynamical System as a Controller

With the JSON configuration in place, we can now readily use the modeling pieces that we felt were useful in building our simple 3-element system. Concretely, we instantiate a simulation controller as well as the desired components we would like to build into it:

from ngcsimlib.controller import Controller
from jax import numpy as jnp, random

## create seeding keys (JAX-style)
dkey = random.PRNGKey(1234)
dkey, *subkeys = random.split(dkey, 4)

## create simple dynamical system: a --> w_ab --> b
model = Controller() ## the simulation object
a = model.add_component("rate", name="a", n_units=1, tau_m=0.,
                        act_fx="identity", key=subkeys[0])
b = model.add_component("rate", name="b", n_units=1, tau_m=20.,
                        act_fx="identity", key=subkeys[1])
Wab = model.add_component("hebbian", name="Wab", shape=(1, 1),
                          wInit=("constant", 1., None), key=subkeys[2])

Next, we will want to wire together the three components we have embedded into our controller, connecting a to node b through synaptic cable Wab. In other words, this means that the output compartment of a must be wired to the input compartment of transformation Wab and the output compartment of Wab must be wired to the input compartment of b. In code, this is done as follows:

## wire a to w_ab and wire w_ab to b
model.connect(a.name, a.outputCompartmentName(), Wab.name, Wab.inputCompartmentName())
model.connect(Wab.name, Wab.outputCompartmentName(), b.name, b.inputCompartmentName())

Finally, to make our dynamical system do something for each step of simulated time, we must append a few basic commands (see Understanding Commands to the controller. The commands we will want, as implied by our JSON configuration that we put together at the start of this tutorial, include a reset (which will initialize the compartments within each node to their resting values, i.e., generally zero, if they have them – this will only end up affecting nodes a and b since a basic synapse component like Wab does not have a base/resting value), an advance (which moves all the nodes one step forward in time according to their compartments’ ODEs), and clamp (which will allow us to insert data into particular nodes). This is simply done with the following few lines:

## configure desired commands for simulation object
model.add_command("reset", command_name="reset",
                  component_names=[a.name, Wab.name, b.name],
    "advance", command_name="advance",
    component_names=[a.name, Wab.name, b.name]
model.add_command("clamp", command_name="clamp_data",
                  component_names=[a.name], compartment=a.inputCompartmentName(),
## pin the commands to the object

where we also notice we have one line that makes the controller aware that it must execute the advance command for all components in its argument list component_names one time within a simulation cycle (under the hood, this lets the controller know that, for one cycle of computation within the system, marching on from time step to the next involves calling the advance command for cell a, then synapse Wab, and finally cell b).

Running the Dynamical System’s Controller

With our simple 3-component dynamical system built, we may now run it on a simple sequence of one-dimensional real-valued numbers:

## run some data through our simple dynamical system
x_seq = jnp.asarray([[1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]], dtype=jnp.float32)

for ts in range(x_seq.shape[1]):
    x_t = jnp.expand_dims(x_seq[0,ts], axis=0) ## get data at time ts
    model.runCycle(t=ts*1., dt=1.)
    ## naively extract simple statistics at time ts and print them to I/O
    a_out = model.components["a"].outputCompartment
    aName = model.components["a"].outputCompartmentName()
    b_out = model.components["b"].outputCompartment
    bName = model.components["b"].outputCompartmentName()
    print(" {}: a.{} = {} ~> b.{} = {}".format(ts, aName, a_out, bName, b_out))

and, assuming you place your code above in a Python script (e.g., run_lesson2.py), we should obtain output in your terminal as below:

$ python run_lesson2.py
 0: a.zF = [1.] ~> b.zF = [[0.05]]
 1: a.zF = [2.] ~> b.zF = [[0.15]]
 2: a.zF = [3.] ~> b.zF = [[0.3]]
 3: a.zF = [4.] ~> b.zF = [[0.5]]
 4: a.zF = [5.] ~> b.zF = [[0.75]]

The simple 3-component system simulated above merely transforms the input sequence into another time-evolving series. For the curious, in your code above, you modeled a very simple non-leaky integration of cell b injected with some value produced by a (since Wab = 1, the synapses had no effect and merely copies the value along). While node a is always clamped to a value as per the clamp command call we constructed and call above (even though its time constant was tau_m = 0 ms, meaning that it reduces to a stateless “feedforward” cell), b had a time constant you set to tau_m = 20 ms. This means, as can be confirmed by inspecting the API for RateCell, with your integration time constant dt = 1 ms:

  1. at time step ts = 0, the value clamped to a, i.e., 1, was multiplied by 1/20 = 0.05 and then added b’s internal state (which started at the value of 0 through the reset command called before the for-loop);

  2. at step ts = 1, the value clamped to a, i.e., 2, was multiplied by 0.05 (yielding 0.1) and then added to b’s current state – meaning that the new state becomes 0.05 + 0.1 = 0.15;

  3. at ts = 2, a value 3 is clamped to a, which is then multiplied by 0.05 to yield 0.15 and then added to b’s current state – meaning that the new state is 0.15 + 0.15 = 0.3 and so on and so forth (b acts like a non-decaying recurrently additive state).