Lesson 1: The Nodes-and-Cables System

In this tutorial, we will focus on working through the very basics of ngc-learn’s nodes-and-cables system. Specifically, you will learn how various (mini-)circuits are built in order to develop an intuition of how these fundamental modeling blocks fit together and how, when they are put together in the right way, you can simulate your own evolving dynamical neural systems.

We recommend that you create a directory labeled tutorials/ and a sub-directory within labeled as lesson1/ for you to place the code/Python scripts that you will write in throughout this lesson.

Theory: Cable Theory and Neural Compartments

At its core, part of ngc-learn’s core design is inspired by (neural) cable theory , where neuronal units, which are arranged in complex connectivity structures, are viewed as performing dendritic calculations (of varying complexity). In essence, a particular neuron integrates information from different input signal sources (for example, signals produced by other neurons), in often highly nonlinear ways through a complex dendritic tree.

Although modeling a complete neuronal system through the lens of cable theory is complex and intricate in of itself, ngc-learn is built with this direction in mind. ngc-learn starts with with the idea a neuron (or a cluster of them) can be viewed as a node, or Node (also see Node Model), and each bundle of synapses that connect pairs of nodes can be viewed as a cable, or Cable (also see Cable Model).

Each node has multiple, different (named) “compartments”, which are regions or slots within the node that other nodes can deposit information/signals into. These compartments allow a node to collect information from many different connected/related nodes and then decide how to combine these different signals in order calculate its own output activity (either in the form of a rate-coded firing rate or binary spikes) using the integration logic defined within its own specific step() function. When an NGC system, composed of many of these nodes, is simulated over a period of time (processing some form of sensory input), its underlying simulation object (the NGCGraph) calls the step() routine of each constituent node within one discrete time step. The order in which the node step() routines are called is governed by “execution cycles”, which are defined by the experimenter at object initialization, for example, a user might want all of the state nodes to first execute their internal step logic before the error nodes do (which can be done by specifying two distinct cycles in the order desired).

As a result, many nodes and cables result in an NGC system where each node is itself, in general, a stateful computation even if we are processing inherently non-temporal data such as static images.

Node and Cable Fundamentals

To start creating predictive processing models and other neurobiological neural systems, we must first examine the fundamental building blocks you will need to craft them. At a high level, motivated by the theory described above, an NGC system is made up of multiple nodes and cables where each node (or cluster/group of neurons) in the system contains one or more compartments (or vectors of scalar numbers/signals) and each cable transmits the information (vector of numbers) inside one compartment within one node and transforms this information (potentially with synapses) and finally deposits this transformed information into one single compartment of another node. Understanding how nodes and cables relate to each other in ngc-learn is necessary if one wants to build and simulate their own custom NGC system (for example, the arbitrary 3-node one graphically depicted in the figure below).


The Node

First, let us examine the node object itself. A node (or Node) contains inside of it a cluster (or block) of neurons, the number of which is controlled through the dim argument. We will, in this tutorial lesson, examine two core node types within ngc-learn, the stateful node (or SNode) and the error node (ENode), although there are other node types (such as convenience nodes like the FNode or spiking nodes).

Every node in ngc-learn has several compartments, which are made explicit in each node’s documentation listed under “Compartments:” and the names of which can be programmatically accessed through the node’s data member .compartment_names. As mentioned in the last section, the signal values within these compartments are often combined together according to the logic defined within a node’s .step() simulation function. Furthermore, each node contains two other data members of particular interest – the .connected_cables list and the .constant_names list. The .constant_names contains fixed integer/scalar coefficients/values that are also used within an node’s .step() logic, such as biological constants derived from experimental data or user-set coefficients that can be defined before simulation (like an integration time constant). The .connected_cables is an (unordered) list of Cable objects that connect to a particular node (one can iterate over this list and print out the names of each cable if need be). Each cable object, which we will discuss in more detail later, has knowledge of the specific compartment within a given node it is to deposit its information into and the node can easily query the name of this compartment by accessing the cable’s data member .dest_comp.

Given the information above (with the aid of a few other internal book-keeping data structures), a node, after its own .compile() routine has been executed (which is done within an NGCGraph’s .compile() function call), will run its own internal logic each time its .step() is called, continually integrating information from its named compartments until the end of simulation time window. While we will defer the exact details of how a .step() function is/should be implemented for a subsequent tutorial lesson (which will aid developers interested in contributing their own node types to ngc-learn), we can briefly speak to the neural dynamics that occurs within .step() for the two nodes you will work with in this lesson.

For a state node (SNode), as seen in its API, we see that we have six compartments, which can be printed to I/O as in the following code snippet/example (you can place it in a script named test_node.py):

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from ngclearn.engine.nodes.snode import SNode

a = SNode(name="a", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
print("Compartments:  {}".format(a.compartment_names))

which will print the compartments internal to the above node a:

Compartments:  ['dz_bu', 'dz_td', 'z', 'phi(z)', 'S(z)']

We will discuss the first four since the last one is a specialized compartments only used in certain situations. The neural dynamics of a state node, according to the first four compartments, is mathematically depicted by the following partial differential equation:

\[ \frac{\partial \mathbf{z}}{\partial t} = -\gamma_{leak} \mathbf{z} + (\mathbf{dz}_{td} + \mathbf{dz}_{bu} \odot \phi^\prime(\mathbf{z})) + \mbox{prior}(\mathbf{z}) \]

where we also formally represent the compartments dz_bu, dz_td, z, and phi(z) as \(\mathbf{dz}_{bu}\), \(\mathbf{dz}_{td}\), \(\mathbf{z}\), and \(\phi(\mathbf{z})\), respectively. This means that, if we use Euler integration to update the SNode’s compartment \(\mathbf{z}\) (the default in ngc-learn), \(\mathbf{z}\) is updated each call to .step() as follows:

\[\begin{split} \mathbf{z} &\leftarrow \zeta \mathbf{z} + \beta \frac{\partial \mathbf{z}}{\partial t} \\ \phi(\mathbf{z}) &= tanh(\mathbf{z}) \quad \mbox{// $\phi(\mathbf{z})$ can be any activation function} \end{split}\]

and finally, after \(\mathbf{z}\) is updated, the state node will apply an element-wise nonlinear function to \(\mathbf{z}\) to get \(\phi(\mathbf{z})\) (which is also the name of the fourth compartment). Note that, in the above, we see several of the node’s key constants defined, i.e. \(\beta\) or .beta (the strength of perturbation applied to the node’s \(\mathbf{z}\) compartment), \(\gamma_{leak}\) or .leak (the strength of the amount of decay applied to the \(\mathbf{z}\) compartment’s value), and \(\zeta\) or .zeta (the amount of recurrent carry-over or how “stateful” the node is – if one sets the constant .zeta = 0, the node becomes “stateless”). \(\mbox{prior}(\mathbf{z})\) just refers to a distribution function that can be applied to the \(\mathbf{z}\) compartment (see Walkthrough #4 for how this is used/set). We see by observing the above differential equation that a state node is primarily defined by the value of its \(\mathbf{z}\) compartment and how this compartment evolves over time is dictated by several factors including the other two compartments \(\mathbf{dz}_{td}\) and \(\mathbf{dz}_{bu}\) (\(\phi^\prime(\mathbf{z})\) refers to the first derivative of the SNode’s activation function \(\phi(\mathbf{z})\) which can be turned off if desired). Note that multiple cables can feed into \(\mathbf{dz}_{td}\) and \(\mathbf{dz}_{bu}\) (multiple deposits would be summed to create a final value for either compartment).

As we can see in the above dynamics equations, a state node is simply a set of rate-coded neurons that update their activity values according to a linear combination of several “pressures”, notably the two key pressures \(\mathbf{dz}_{td}\) (dz_td) and \(\mathbf{dz}_{bu}\) (dz_bu) which are practically identical except that dz_bu is a pressure (optionally) weighted by the state node’s activation function derivative \(\phi^\prime(\mathbf{z})\). In a state node, when you wire other nodes to it, the .step() function will specifically assume that signals are only ever being deposited into either dz_td or dz_bu and NOT into \(\mathbf{z}\) (or z) and \(\phi(\mathbf{z})\) (or phi(z)), since these last two compartments being evolved according to the equations presented earlier – note that if you accidentally “wire” another node to the z or phi(z) compartments, the SNode will simply ignore those since its .step() function only assumes dz_td and dz_bu receive signals externally).

With the SNode above, you can already build a fully functional NGC system (for example, a Harmonium as in Walkthrough #6), however, there is one special node that we should also describe that will allow you to more easily construct arbitrary predictive coding systems. This node is known as the error node (ENode) and, as seen in its API, it contains the following key compartments – pred_mu, pred_targ, z, phi(z), and L or, formally, \(\mathbf{z}_\mu\), \(\mathbf{z}_{targ}\), \(\mathbf{z}\), \(\phi(\mathbf{z})\), and \(L(\mathbf{z})\). An error node is, in some sense, a convenience node because it is actually mathematically a simplification of a state node that is evolved over a period of time (it is a derived “fixed-point” of a pool of neurons that compute mismatch signals evolved over several simulation time steps) and is particularly useful when we want to simulate predictive coding systems faster (and when one is not concerned with the exact biological implementation of neurons that compute mismatch signals but only with their emergent behavior).

The error node dynamics are considerably simpler than that of a state node (and, since they are driven by a derived fixed-point calculation, they are stateless) and simply dictated by the following:

\[\begin{split} \mathbf{z} &= \mathbf{z}_\mu - \mathbf{z}_{targ} \\ \phi(\mathbf{z}) &= identity(\mathbf{z}) \quad \mbox{// $\phi(\mathbf{z})$ can be any activation function} \\ L(\mathbf{z}) &= \sum_j (\mathbf{z} \odot \mathbf{z})^2_j \mbox{// Gaussian error neurons} \end{split}\]

where \(\odot\) denotes elementwise multiplication and \(\mathbf{z}_{targ}\) (or pred_targ) is the target signal (which can be accumulated from multiple sources, i.e., if more than cable feeds into it, the set of deposits are summed to create the final compartment value of pred_targ) and \(\mathbf{z}_\mu\) or (pred_mu) is the expectation of the target signal (which can also be the sum of multiple deposits from multiple cables/sources, i.e., multiple deposits from multiple cables will be summed to calculate the final value of pred_mu). Note that for \(L(\mathbf{z})\) (or L), we only depict one possible form that this compartment can take – the Gaussian error neuron (which results in a local mean squared error loss) – although are forms are possible (such as the Laplacian error neuron).

Below, we graphically depict the SNode (Left) and the ENode (Right):

../_images/ngclearn_snode.png ../_images/ngclearn_enode.png

notice that both diagrams indicate that multiple incoming signals (each indicated by a curved diamond-head arrow) are summed within the cell body compartment they are deposited into with the \(\Sigma\) symbol. In the SNode, the signals dz_td and dz_bu are combined by addition, i.e., \(+\) (in the light blue box), whereas in the ENode, the signals pred_targ and pred_mu are combined by subtraction, i.e., \(-\) (in the red box) (they are contrasted to produce a mismatch/difference signal).

While we do not touch on it in this tutorial lesson, a user could write their own custom nodes as well, making sure to subclass the Node class and then define the dendritic calculation that they require within .step() and ensuring that their custom node writes to the Node class’s core compartment data structures so that ngc-learn can effectively simulate the node’s evolution over time. Writing one’s own custom node will be the subject of an upcoming ngc-learn tutorial lesson.

The Cable

Given the above understanding of a node, all that remains is to combine pairs of them together with an object known as the cable. Note that all cables fundamentally are responsible for one particular job: taking the information in one compartment of one “source node”, doing something to this information (such as transforming with a bundle of synapses via linear algebra operations), and then depositing this information into the compartment of another “destination node”. To do this, there are two primary types of cables you should be familiar with: 1) the simple cable SCable, and 2) the dense cable DCable. The simple cable simply transmits information directly from one node’s compartment to another node’s compartment, simply multiplying the information from the source node by its scalar data member .coeff (by default this is set to the value of 1). The dense cable, in contrast, is a bit more involved as it takes the information in one node’s compartment and applies some variant of a linear transformation to this signal before depositing it into the compartment of another node (if you wanted a cable to do something more complex than this, you could, as you can for the Node class, write your own custom cable, but we leave this as the subject for a future upcoming tutorial lesson).

Building cables is primarily done with the wire_to() function of the Node class – using this function also makes the destination node aware of the cable that connects to it. Let us say we have two state nodes a and b and we wanted to wire them together such that the information in the z compartment of a is transformed along a dense cable and finally deposited into the dz_td compartment of state node b. This could be done with the following code snippet (place the code in a script named test_cable.py):

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from ngclearn.engine.nodes.snode import SNode

# create the initialization scheme (kernel) of the dense cable
init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("gaussian",0.025)}
dcable_cfg = {"type": "dense", "init_kernels" : init_kernels, "seed" : 69}

# note that the dim of a does NOT have to equal that of b if using a dense cable
a = SNode(name="a", dim=5, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
b = SNode(name="b", dim=5, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="z", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg) # wire a to b

print("Cable {} of type *{}* transmits from:".format(a_b.name, a_b.cable_type))
print("Node {}.{}".format(a_b.src_node.name, a_b.src_comp))
print(" to ")
print("Node {}.{}".format(a_b.dest_node.name, a_b.dest_comp))

which would print to your terminal the following:

Cable a-to-b_dense of type *dense* transmits from:
Node a.z
Node b.dz_td

Graphically, the above 2-node circut would look like what is depicted in the figure below.


Note that cables can auto-generate their own .name based on the source and destination node that they wire to (in the case above, the cable a_b would auto-generate the name a-to-b_dense). If you want the cable that wires a to b to be named something specific, you set the extra argument name in wire_to() to the desired string and force that cable to take on the name you wish (make sure you choose a unique name). Furthermore, note that a DCable has two learnable synaptic objects you can trigger depending on how you initialize the cable:

  1. a matrix A representing the bundle of synaptic connections that will be used to transform the source node of the cable and relay this information to the destination node of the cable, and

  2. a bias vector b representing the shift added to the transformed output signal of the cable.

What, then, does the above a_b dense cable do mathematically? Let us label z compartment of node a as \(\mathbf{z}^a\) and the dz_td of node b as \(\mathbf{dz}^b_{td}\). Given this labeling, the dense cable will perform the following transformation:

\[\begin{split} \mathbf{s}_{out} = \mathbf{z}^a \cdot \mathbf{A}^{a\_b} \\ \mathbf{dz}^b_{td} = \mathbf{dz}^b_{td} + \mathbf{s}_{out} \end{split}\]

where \(\cdot\) denotes a matrix/vector multiplication and \(\mathbf{A}^{a\_b}\) is the matrix containing the synapses connecting the compartment z of node a to the dz_td compartment of node b. If we had initalized the DCable earlier to have a bias, like so:

init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("gaussian",0.025), "b_init" : ("zeros")}

then the cable a_b would perform the following:

\[\begin{split} \mathbf{s}_{out} = \mathbf{z}^a \cdot \mathbf{A}^{a\_b} + \mathbf{b}^{a\_b} \\ \mathbf{dz}^b_{td} = \mathbf{dz}^b_{td} + \mathbf{s}_{out} \end{split}\]

Notice that the last line in the above two equations also shows what each cable will ultimately to node b – they add in their transformed signal \(\mathbf{s}_{out}\) to its \(\mathbf{dz}^b_{td}\) compartment.

If you want to verify that the cable you wired from a to b appears within node b’s .connected_cables data member, you can add/write a print statement as follows:

print("Cables that connect to Node {}:".format(b.name))
for cable in b.connected_cables:
    print(" => Cable:  {}".format(cable.name))

which would print to the terminal:

Cables that connect to Node b:
 => Cable:  a-to-b_dense

Note that nodes a and b do not have to have the same .dim values if you are wiring them together with a dense cable. In addition, cables in ngc-learn are directional – if you wire node a to node b, this does NOT mean that node b is wired to node a (you would have to call the wire_to() funciton again and create such a wire if this relationship is desired).

If you wanted to wire information directly from node a to node b WITHOUT transforming the information via synapses, you can use a simple cable but, in order to do so, the .dim data member (the number of neurons) of a must be equal to that of b. You could write the following code (in a script you name test_cable2.py):

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from ngclearn.engine.nodes.snode import SNode

# create the initialization scheme (kernel) of the simple cable
scable_cfg = {"type": "simple", "coeff": 1.0}

## Note that you could do the exact same thing with a dense cable using
##   the two lines below but you would be wasting a matrix multiplication if so
# init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("diagonal",1)}
# dcable_cfg = {"type": "dense", "init_kernels" : init_kernels, "seed" : 69}

# note that the dim of a MUST be equal to b if using a simple cable
a = SNode(name="a", dim=5, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
b = SNode(name="b", dim=5, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="z", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=scable_cfg) # wire a to b

print("Cable {} of type *{}* transmits from:".format(a_b.name, a_b.cable_type))
print("Node {}.{}".format(a_b.src_node.name, a_b.src_comp))
print(" to ")
print("Node {}.{}".format(a_b.dest_node.name, a_b.dest_comp))

which would print to your terminal the following:

Cable a-to-b_simple of type *simple* transmits from:
Node a.z
Node b.dz_td

Wiring nodes with cables using the .wire_to() routine notably returns the cable that it creates (in our code snippet this was stored in the variable a_b). This is particularly useful if you need/want to set other properties of the generated cable object such as local Hebbian synaptic update rules, constraints to be applied to the cable’s synapses, or synaptic value decay.

Building Circuits with Nodes with Cables

Once you have created a set of nodes and wired them together in some meaningful fashion, your circuit is now ready to be simulated. To make the circuit function as a complete NGC dynamical system, you must place your nodes into ngc-learn’s simulation object, i.e., the NGCGraph. This object will, once you have initialized it and made it aware of the nodes you want to simulate, run some basic checks for coherence, internally configure the computations that will drive the simulation that can leverage Tensorflow 2 static graph optimization (you can turn this off if you do not want this optimization to happen), and trigger the compilation routines inherent to each node and cable.

Specifically, if you wanted to compile the simple circuit you created in the last section into a simulated NGC graph, you would then need to write the following (you could add the following lines of code to your test_cable.py or test_cable2.py scripts if you like to test the compile routine):

from ngclearn.engine.ngc_graph import NGCGraph

circuit = NGCGraph()
circuit.set_cycle(nodes=[a,b]) # make the graph aware of nodes a and b, in that order

where we see that the graph circuit is made aware of nodes a and b through the call to .set_cycle() which takes in as argument a list of Node objects. Notice that we do not have to explicitly tell the NGCGraph about the cable a_b we created – the NGCGraph will automatically handle the cable a_b through the .connected_cables data member of all nodes it is made aware. The .compile() routine will desirably do most of the heavy-lifting without much input from the user except for a few small arguments if desired. For example, in the code snippet above, we set the batch_size argument directly (the default for an NGCGraph if you do not set it is also 1), which is needed for the default static graph optimization that the NGCGraph will set up after you call .compile() – note this also means you must make sure that the (mini-)batch size of all sensory inputs you provide to the NGCGraph are the of length batch_size (since ngc-learn makes use of in-place memory operators to speed up simulation and play nicely with Tensorflow’s static graph functionality).

If you do not wish to use the default static graph optimization and be able to deal with variable-length mini-batches of data, then you can replace the above call to .compile() by setting its use_graph_optim argument to False (which has the trade-off that your simulations being slower).

Note that you can always “re-compile” an NGCGraph anytime you want. For example, you wish to use the static graph optimization to speed up the training of your NGCGraph circuit (since that is the most expensive part of simulating a stateful neural system) but would like to reuse the trained graph on some new pool of data samples with a different mini-batch size (or even, say, online, where you feed in samples to the circuit one at a time). You would simply write the code snippet exactly as we did earlier, run your simulation of the training process, and then, after your code decides that training is done, you could then simply re-compile your simulation object to be dynamic (switching to Tensorflow eager execution mode) as follows:

circuit.compile(use_graph_optim=False) # re-compile "circuit" to work w/ dynamic batch sizes

and you can then present inputs to your simulation object of any batch size you wish. Alternatively, if you still wanted the benefit of the speed offered by static graph optimization but just want to change the batch size to something different than what was used during training (say you have a test set you want to sample mini-batches of 128 samples instead), then you would write the following line:

## NOTE: you can also re-compile your circuit to become a system with the same synaptic
## parameters but static-graph optimized for a different fixed batch size (w/o speed loss)
circuit.compile(batch_size=128) # <-- note all future batches of data must be length 128

re-compiling (as in the above two cases) provides some flexibility to the experimenter/developer although a small setup cost is paid each the .compile() routine is called.

Also, it is important to be aware that the NGCGraph itself internally maintains several data structures that help it keep track of the simulated nodes/cables, allow it to compute any desired synaptic updates, and ensure that the internal dynamics interact properly with Tensorflow’s static graph optimization while still providing inspectability for the experimenter among other activities. One particular object that will be of interest to you, the experimenter, is the .theta list, which is the implementation of the mathematical construct \(\Theta\) often stated in statistical learning and applied mathematics that houses ALL of the learnable parameters (currently it would be empty in our case above because we have not set any learning rules as we will later).

Given the above NGCGraph, you have now built your first, very own custom NGC system. All that remains is to learn how to use an NGC system to process some data, which we will demonstrate in the next section.

Generating an NGCGraph Visualization

Currently, ngc-learn offers some basic support for generating a visualization of the system architecture that you create with the nodes-and-cables system. This functionality is built on top of the two Python packages networkx and pyviz to provide the user/experimenter some interactive flexibility with modifying the generated architecture/graph visualizations before saving to disk.

To generate a graphical visualization of your NGCGraph, such as one for the 2-node circuit you built in the last section, you would write the following code:

import ngclearn.utils.experimental.viz_graph_utils as viz

viz.visualize_graph(circuit) # generate the graph visual of

which will generate a graph/network visualization (after some minor manipulation from the user) similar to the one below:


Notice that the node names we set earlier, e.g., a and b, are automatically extracted by the graph visualizer and the cable names (normally auto-generated) by the NGCGraph graph object are attached to the edges they correspond to. Furthermore, observe that you can directly interact with and manipulate (through clicking and dragging) the generated visualization to suit your purposes. Note: we recommend experimenting with the physics solver option to the forceAtlas2Based or repulsion variants for more complex NGC network graphs.

The visualization scheme according to ngc-learn dictates that non-learnable cables are colored blue, dense cables are solid arcs, and that state nodes are colored as as grey ellipses. See the end of this tutorial lesson for more details on the graph color-coding scheme used by ngc-learn.

One important trick to cleaning up an NGCGraph’s visualization is to use the short_name optional argument to the .wire_to() function. Specifically, setting a short_name for a particular cable that wires together two nodes allows you to assign “nicknames” to cables while preserving their original auto-generated names (though you can also directly set the names yourself using the name argument in the .wire_to() routine if you like, just ensure your name choices are unique). For example, we could have created the cable a_b earlier with a short_name like so:

a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="z", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=scable_cfg, short_name="W1")

If you run the visualizer now but with the short_name we set above, you will get the following output:


where now W1 is used in place of the original a-to-b_dense auto-generated name.

Simulating an NGC Circuit with Sensory Data

In this section, we will illustrate two ways in which one may have an NGCGraph interact with sensory data patterns. Let us start by building a simple 3-node circuit, i.e., the one depicted in the figure below (only the relevant compartments in each node that we will wire together are depicted).


Create a Python file/script named circuit1.py and write the following to create the header:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# import building blocks
from ngclearn.engine.nodes.snode import SNode
# import simulation object
from ngclearn.engine.ngc_graph import NGCGraph

Now write the following code for your circuit:

integrate_cfg = {"integrate_type" : "euler", "use_dfx" : True}
a = SNode(name="a", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity",
b = SNode(name="b", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity",
c = SNode(name="c", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity",

init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("diagonal",1)}
dcable_cfg = {"type": "dense", "init_kernels" : init_kernels, "seed" : 69}
a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
c_b = c.wire_to(b, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)

circuit = NGCGraph(K=5)
# execute nodes in order: a, c, then b

# do something with the circuit above
a_val = tf.ones([1, circuit.getNode("a").dim]) # create sensory data point *a_val*
c_val = tf.ones([1, circuit.getNode("c").dim]) # create sensory data point *c_val*
readouts, _ = circuit.settle(
                clamped_vars=[("a","z",a_val), ("c","z",c_val)],
b_val = readouts[0][2]
print(" => Value of b.phi(z) = {}".format(b_val.numpy()))
print("             Expected = [[10]]")

The above (fixed) circuit will simply take in the current values within the phi(z) compartment of nodes a and c and combine them together (through addition) within the dz_td compartment of node b. Specifically, the value within the phi(z) compartment of a will be transformed with the dense cable a_b and deposited first into dz_td of b and then the compartment phi(z) of c will be transformed by the dense cable c_b and added to the current value of and deposited into the dz_td compartment of b. Notice that we set the graph to execute the nodes in a particular order: a, c, b so that way we ensure that first the values within nodes a and c are first computed at any time step followed by node b which will then take the current compartment values it needs from a and c and aggregate them to compute its new state. Alternatively, you could write and set up the same exact computation by organizing the node computation into two subsequent cycles as follows:

circuit = NGCGraph(K=5)
# execute nodes in order: a, c, then b

where the above code-snippet is more explicit and, internally within the NGCGraph simulation object, means that a separate computation cycle will be created that must
wait on the first cycle (a then b) to be completed before it can then be executed (note that the overall simulation needed for both would be the same when finally run).

Now go ahead and run your circuit1.py (i.e., $ python circuit1.py) and you should get the exact following output in your terminal:

=> Value of b.phi(z) = [[10.]]
            Expected = [[10.]]

The above output should make sense since we clamped to the phi(z) compartments of nodes a and c vectors of ones, after we run the NGCGraph for K = 5 steps of simulation time within the call to .settle(), we should obtain a vector with 10 inside of it for the phi(z) compartment of node b. This is because, at each time step within the .settle() function, the dz_td compartment of node b is computed according to the following equation:

\[\begin{split} \frac{\partial \mathbf{z}^b}{\partial t} &= \phi(\mathbf{z}^a) \cdot \mathbf{A}^{a\_b} + \phi(\mathbf{z}^c) \cdot \mathbf{A}^{c\_b} \\ &= 1 \cdot \mathbf{A}^{a\_b} + 1 \cdot \mathbf{A}^{c\_b} = 1 \cdot \mathbf{I} + 1 \cdot \mathbf{I} \\ & = (1 \cdot 1) + (1 \cdot 1) = 2 \end{split}\]

where \(\mathbf{I}\) is the identity matrix (or diagonal matrix) of size (1,1) which is the same as the scalar 1 (because we set the initialize of the A matrix within cables a_b and c_b to be the diagonal matrix). This means that at any time step, nodes a and b are combined ultimately depositing a scalar value of 2 into node b’s dz_td compartment, which will then be added according to b’s state dynamics: \(\mathbf{z}^b \leftarrow \mathbf{z}^b + \beta (\mathbf{dz}^b_{bu} + \mathbf{dz}^b_{td}) = \mathbf{z}^b + \beta (0 + \mathbf{dz}^b_{td}) \).

If this calculation is repeated five times, as we have set the NGCGraph to do via the argument K=5, then the circuit above is effectively repeatedly adding 2 to the z compartment of node b five times (2 * 5 = 10). Note that for node b, phi(z) is identical to the value of z because we set the activation function of node b to be \(\phi(\mathbf{z}) = \mathbf{z}\) or act_fx = identity (in fact, we have done this for all three nodes in this example).

Now, let us slightly modify the above 3-node circuit code to go one step below the application programming interface (API) of the .settle() and write our own explicit step-by-step simulation so that way we can examine the value of the z and phi(z) compartments of node b to prove that we are indeed accumulating a value of 2 each time step. To write a low-level custom simulation loop that does the same thing as the code snippet we wrote earlier, you could replace the call to .settle() with the following code instead:

# ... same initialization code as before ...

# do something with the circuit above
a_val = tf.ones([1, circuit.getNode("a").dim])
c_val = tf.ones([1, circuit.getNode("c").dim])

circuit.clamp([("a","z",a_val), ("c","z",c_val)])
for k in range(K):
    values, _ = circuit.step(calc_delta=False)
    b_val = circuit.extract("b","z")
    print(" t({}) => Value of b.phi(z) = {}".format(k, b_val.numpy()))
print("                  Expected = [[10.]]")

which will now print out to the terminal:

t(0) => Value of b.phi(z) = [[2.]]
t(1) => Value of b.phi(z) = [[4.]]
t(2) => Value of b.phi(z) = [[6.]]
t(3) => Value of b.phi(z) = [[8.]]
t(4) => Value of b.phi(z) = [[10.]]
                 Expected = [[10.]]

showing us that, indeed, this circuit is incrementing the current value of the z compartment by 2 each time step. The advantage to the above form of simulating the stimulus window for the 3-node instead of using .settle() is that one can now explicitly simulate the NGC system online if needed. This lower-level way of simulating an NGC system would be desirable for very long simulation windows where events might happen that interrupt or alter the settling process.

One final item to notice is that, in all of the code-snippets of this section, after the NGCGraph has been simulated (either through .settle() or online via .step()), we call the simulation objects .clear() routine. This is absolutely critical to do after you simulate your NGC system for a fixed window of time IF you do not want the current values of its internal nodes to carry over to the next time that you simulate the system with .settle() or .step(). Since an NGC system is stateful, if you expect its internal neural activities to have gone back to their resting states (typically zero vectors) before processing a new pattern or batch of data, then you must make sure that you call .clear(). A typical design pattern for an NGC system would something like:

# ... initialize the circuit and your optimizer *opt* earlier ...

# after sampling some data, a typical process loop would be:
readouts, delta = circuit.settle( ... ) # conduct iterative inference
opt.apply_gradients(zip(delta, circuit.theta)) # update synapses
circuit.clear() # set all nodes in system back to their resting states

Evolving a Circuit over Time

Shared/Linked Cables

While cables are intended to be unique in that they instantiate a particular bundle of synapses that relay the information from one node to another, it is sometimes desirable to allow two or more cables to reuse the exact same synapse (pointing to the same spot in memory – in other words, they make use of a shallow copy of the synapses). This can also be useful if one needs to reduce the memory footprint of their NGC system, e.g., for CPUs/GPUs with limited memory. To facilitate sharing, you will need to use the mirror_path_kernel argument of the wire_to() function you used earlier (in place of the cable_kernel argument). This argument takes in a 2-tuple where the first argument is the literal cable object you want to share parameters with and the second argument is a string code/flag that tells ngc-learn which parameters (and how) to share.

In ngc-learn, one can make two cables “share” a bundle of synapses, and even bias parameters, as follows (create a file called circuit2.py to place the following code into):

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# import building blocks
from ngclearn.engine.nodes.snode import SNode
# import simulation object
from ngclearn.engine.ngc_graph import NGCGraph

# create some nodes
a = SNode(name="a", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
b = SNode(name="b", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
x = SNode(name="x", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
y = SNode(name="y", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")

init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("gaussian",0.1)}
dcable_cfg = {"type": "dense", "init_kernels" : init_kernels, "seed" : 111}

a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
# make cable *x_y* reuse the *A* matrix contained in cable *a_b*
x_y = x.wire_to(y, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", mirror_path_kernel=(a_b,"A"))

print("Cable {} w/ synapse A = {}".format(a_b.name, a_b.params["A"].numpy()))
print("Cable {} w/ synapse A = {}".format(x_y.name, x_y.params["A"].numpy()))

and you should see printed to your terminal:

Cable a-to-b_dense w/ synapse A = [[0.1918097]]
Cable x-to-y_dense w/ synapse A = [[0.1918097]]

where we see that the cables a_b and x_y do indeed have the exact same synaptic matrix of size 1 x 1 even though the cables themselves are completely different and even connect completely different nodes (note that you would need to make sure the .dim of node x is identical to node a and that the .dim of node y is the same as node b, otherwise, you will get a shaping error when the cable is later simulated).

There are other ways to share/point to synapses besides the direct way above. For example, the code below will force cable b_a to reuse the transpose of the A synaptic matrix of cable a_b, as indicated by the second code/flag A^T input to the mirror_path_kernel argument:

a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
# make cable *b_a* that reuses the transpose of the *A* matrix contained in cable *a_b*
b_a = b.wire_to(a, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", mirror_path_kernel=(a_b,"A^T"))

Other useful codes for the mirror_path_kernel argument include: A+b which shares the A matrix and bias b of the target cable and -A^T which shares the negative transpose of matrix A of the target cable.

Synaptic Update Rules

A key element of an NGC system is its ability to evolve with time and learn from the data patterns it processes by updating its synaptic weights. To update the synaptic bundles (and/or biases) inside the cables you use to wire together nodes, you will need to also define corresponding learning rules. Currently, ngc-learn assumes that synapses are adjusted through locally-defined multi-factor Hebbian rules.

To configure a cable, particularly a dense cable, to utilize an update rule, you need to specify the following with the set_update_rule() routine:

a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
a_b.set_update_rule(preact=(a,"phi(z)"), postact=(b,"phi(z)"), param=["A"])

where we must define at least three arguments:

  1. the pre-activation term preact which must be a 2-tuple containing the pre-activation node object and a string stating the compartment that we want to extract a vector signal from,

  2. the post-activation term postact defined exactly the same as the pre-activation term, and

  3. a list of strings param stating the synaptic parameters we want the update rule to affect. The code-snippet above will tell ngc-learn that when cable a_b is updated, we would like to take the (matrix) product of node a’s phi(z) compartment and node b’s phi(z) compartment and specifically adjust matrix A within the cable.

If cable a_b also contained a bias, we would specify the rule as follows:

a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
a_b.set_update_rule(preact=(a,"phi(z)"), postact=(b,"phi(z)"), param=["A", "b"])

and ngc-learn will intelligently realize that synaptic vector b of cable a_b will be updated using only the post-activation term postact (since it is a vector and not a matrix like A).

Using the .set_update_rule() function on each cable that you would like to evolve or be updated given data is all that you need to do to set up local learning. The NGCGraph will automatically become aware of the valid cables linking nodes that are learnable and, internally, call those cables’ update rules to compute the correct synaptic adjustments. In particular, whenever you call .settle() on an NGCGraph, the simulation object will actually compute ALL of the synaptic adjustments at the end of the simulation window and store them into a list delta and return them to you.

For example, you want to compute the Hebbian update for the cable a_b earlier (that you wrote for circuit2.py) given a data point containing the value of one (create a new file and write the code below into circuit3.py):

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

from ngclearn.engine.nodes.snode import SNode # import building blocks
from ngclearn.engine.ngc_graph import NGCGraph # import simulation object

# create the initialization scheme (kernel) of the dense cable
init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("gaussian",0.1)}
dcable_cfg = {"type": "dense", "init_kernels" : init_kernels, "seed" : 111}

a = SNode(name="a", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
b = SNode(name="b", dim=1, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
a_b = a.wire_to(b, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
a_b.set_update_rule(preact=(a,"phi(z)"), postact=(b,"phi(z)"), param=["A"])

print("Cable {} w/ synapse A = {}".format(a_b.name, a_b.params["A"].numpy()))

circuit = NGCGraph()
# execute nodes in order: a, c, then b

opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(0.01)

# do something with the circuit above
a_val = tf.ones([1, circuit.getNode("a").dim]) # create sensory data point *a_val*
readouts, delta = circuit.settle(
opt.apply_gradients(zip(delta, circuit.theta))

print("Update to cable {} is: {}".format(a_b.name, delta[0].numpy()))

which would print to your terminal:

Update to cable a-to-b_dense is: [[-0.9590485]]

Notice that we have demonstrated how ngc-learn interacts with Tensorflow 2 optimizers by simply giving the returned delta list and the circuit’s internal .theta list to the optimizer which will then physically adjust the values of synaptic bundles themselves for you. NOTE that the order of Hebbian updates will be returned in the exact same order as the learnable parameters that .theta points to.

The above NGC system is, of course, rather naive as we would effectively be calculating and update the single synapses that connects nodes a and b, and, since this use of the update rule is classical Hebbian, the value of the synapse inside of A of cable a_b would grow indefinitely. In the next section, we will craft a more interesting circuit that uses what you learned about with respect cables and nodes, including the error node ENode.

Constructing a Convergent 5-Node Circuit

As our final exercise for this tutorial, let us build a 5-node circuit that attempts to learn how to converge to a state such that a five-dimensional node a and a six-dimensional node b each generate three-dimensional output values
that are nearly identical. In other words, we want node a to get good at predicting the output of node b and node b to get good at predicting the output of node a. Furthermore, node b’s z compartment will always be clamped to a vector of ones. To measure the mismatch between these two nodes’ predictions, we will introduce the fifth and final node as a three-dimensional error node tasked with computing how far off the two sources nodes are from each other.

We illustrate the 5-node circuit in the figure below. The relevant compartments that we will be wiring together are shown as different-colored circles (and the legend maps the color to the compartment name).


To build this circuit, create a file called circuit4.py and write the header:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# import building blocks
from ngclearn.engine.nodes.enode import ENode
from ngclearn.engine.nodes.snode import SNode
# import simulation object
from ngclearn.engine.ngc_graph import NGCGraph

and then go ahead and create the 5-node circuit we described as follows:

# create the initialization scheme (kernel) of the dense cable
init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("gaussian",0.1)}
dcable_cfg = {"type": "dense", "init_kernels" : init_kernels, "seed" : 111} # dense cable
scable_cfg = {"type": "simple", "coeff": 1.0} # identity cable

a_dim = 5
e_dim = 3
b_dim = 6

# Define node a
a = SNode(name="a", dim=a_dim, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
# Define node a_mu
a_mu = SNode(name="a_mu", dim=e_dim, beta=1, zeta=0, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
# Define error node e
e = ENode(name="e", dim=e_dim)
# Define node b
b = SNode(name="b", dim=b_dim, beta=1, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")
# Define node b_mu
b_mu = SNode(name="b_mu", dim=e_dim, beta=1, zeta=0, leak=0.0, act_fx="identity")

# wire a to a_mu
a_amu = a.wire_to(a_mu, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
a_amu.set_update_rule(preact=(a,"phi(z)"), postact=(e,"phi(z)"), param=["A"])
# wire a_mu to e
amu_e = a_mu.wire_to(e, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_mu", cable_kernel=scable_cfg)

# wire b to b_mu
b_bmu = b.wire_to(b_mu, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
b_bmu.set_update_rule(preact=(b,"phi(z)"), postact=(e,"phi(z)"), param=["A"])
# wire b_mu to e
bmu_e = b_mu.wire_to(e, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_targ", cable_kernel=scable_cfg)

# wire e back to a
e_a = e.wire_to(a, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_bu", mirror_path_kernel=(a_amu,"A^T"))

# wire e back to b
e_b = e.wire_to(b, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_bu", mirror_path_kernel=(b_bmu,"A^T"))

circuit = NGCGraph()
# execute nodes in order: a, c, then b
circuit.set_cycle(nodes=[a, a_mu, b, b_mu])
circuit.set_learning_order([b_bmu, a_amu]) # enforces order - b_bmu then a_amu

opt = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(0.05)

and then, given the 5-node graph you crafted and compiled above, you can now write a simple training loop to simulate as in below:

n_iter = 60 # number of overall optimization steps to take

b_val = tf.ones([1, circuit.getNode("b").dim]) # create sensory data point *b_val*
print("---- Simulating Circuit Evolution ----")
for t in range(n_iter):
    readouts, delta = circuit.settle(
                        clamped_vars=[("b", "z",b_val)],
                        readout_vars=[("e", "L")]
    e_val = readouts[0][2]
    if t > 0:
        print("\r{} => Value of e.L = {}".format(t, e_val.numpy()),end="")
        print("{} => Value of e.L = {}".format(t, e_val.numpy()))
    opt.apply_gradients(zip(delta, circuit.theta))

print("---- Final Results ----")
# get final values
readouts, delta = circuit.settle(
                    clamped_vars=[("b", "z",b_val)],
                    readout_vars=[("e", "pred_mu"),("e", "pred_targ")],
                    calc_delta=False # turn off update computation
prediction = readouts[0][2].numpy()
target = readouts[1][2].numpy()
print("Prediction: {}".format(prediction))
print("    Target: {}".format(target))

Once you have written circuit4.py, you can execute it from the command line as $ python circuit4.py which should print to your terminal something similar to:

---- Simulating Circuit Evolution ----
0 => Value of e.L = [[0.03118673]]
59 => Value of e.L = [[3.9547285e-05]]
---- Final Results ----
Prediction: [[-2.2072585  -1.1418786   0.68785524]]
    Target: [[-2.2125444 -1.1444474  0.6895305]]

As you can see, the loss represented by the error node e (specifically, the value stored in its loss L compartment), starts at greater than 0.03 and then decreases over the sixty simulated training iterations to nearly zero (0.00003954), and, as we can see in the comparison between the prediction from node a against the target produced by node b, the values are quite close. This indicates that our small 5-node circuit has converged to an equilibrium point where node a and node b are capable of matching each other (assuming that b’s z compartment will always be clamped to a vector of ones). Furthermore, we see that we have crafted a feedback loop via cable e_a, which transmits the error information contains inside of node e back to the dz_bu compartment of node a, which, as we recall from the earlier part of this tutorial, is used in node a’s state update equation. (Feedback loop e_b does something similar to e_a, however, since we force the z compartment of b to always be a specific value, this loop ends up being useful in this example).

With the completion of the above example, you have now gone through the process of crafting your own custom NGC circuit with ngc-learn’s nodes-and-cables system. Given this knowledge, you are ready to design and simulate your own predictive processing neural systems based on the NGC computational framework. For examples of how nodes and cables are used to build various classical and modern-day models, check out the Model Museum (including the pre-designed agents in the ngc-learn repo ngclearn/museum/) and the walk-throughs.

Knowing the Utility Functions of an NGCGraph

Although you have learned of and how to assemble the key elements in ngc-learn needed to construct NGC circuits, there are a few useful utility functions that are provided once you construct the NGCGraph simulation object. In this closing section, we will briefly discuss each of these and briefly illustrate their use (and review key ones that we covered earlier).

Compiling and Re-Compiling Your Simulation Object

As discussed earlier in this tutorial lesson, the .compile() is one of the most important functions to call after you have constructed your NGCGraph as it will set up the crucial internal bookkeeping and checks to ensure that your simulated NGC system works correctly with static graph optimization and is properly analyzable.

Normally, just calling the .compile() function after you initialize the NGCGraph constructor is sufficient so long as you either set its batch_size argument to the batch size you will be training with (and you must ensure that your data is presented to your graph in batch sizes with that exact same length each time, otherwise the NGCGraph will throw a memory error). Note that you can also set the batch size your graph expects in the constructor itself, like so NGCGraph(K=10, batch_size=128).

If you do not wish for ngc-learn to use static graph optimization, you can always turn this off by setting the use_graph_optim to False in the .compile() function, which will allow you to use variable-length batch sizes (and not force you to specify the batch_size in the compile routine or in the NGCGraph constructor) but this will come at the cost of slower simulation time especially if you will be evolving the synapses over time (only in the case of pure online learning might turning off the static graph optimization be useful). However, you can, as was discussed earlier, always “re-compile” your simulation object if, for example, you will be training with mini-batches of one length and then testing with mini-batches of another length. Re-compiling is simple and not too expensive to do if done sparingly – all you need to do is call .compile() again and choose a new batch_size to give it as an argument.

One final note about the .compile() routine is that it actually returns a dictionary of dictionaries that contains/organizes the core specifications of your NGCGraph. You can print this dictionary out if you like and examine that the various nodes and cables state the various key properties you expect them to aid in debugging. Future plans for ngc-learn will be to leverage this simulation properties dictionary to aid in auto-generated visualization to help in creating architecture figures and possibly information-flow diagrams (we would also like to mention here that we welcome community contributions with respect to visualization and system analysis if you are interested in helping with this particular effort).

Clearing the State of Your Simulator

Another core routine that you learned about in this tutorial is the .clear() function. This is a critical function to call whenever you want to completely wipe out the state of your NGCGraph simulation object. Wiping graph state is something you will likely want to do quite often in your code. For example, a typical design pattern for simulating an NGC system after you sample a batch of training data points is to: 1) first call its .settle() function, 2) do something with the readout variables you asked it to return (and maybe extract some other items from your graph), 3) update the system’s synaptic weights (as housed in its .theta construct) using an external optimization algorithm like stochastic gradient descent, 4) apply/enforce constraints, and 5) clear/wipe the graph state.

There are no arguments to .clear() but you should be aware that it does wipe the state of your graph thoroughly – this also means that, after clearing, using a getter function .extract() (discussed in the next section) becomes meaningless the internal bookkeeping structures that your graph maintains get set to their default (“empty”) states. Note that clearing the graph state is NOT the same as setting nodes exactly to their resting state – node resting states are actually set with a call to .set_to_resting_state() and this is actually done for you every time you call .settle() (unless you tell your graph not to start at a resting state by setting the cold_start flag argument to False).

Note that a use-case where you might not want to use the .clear() function is if you are simulating an NGC system over one long, single window of time (for example, a sensory data stream). In this scenario, using .clear() would be against the processing task as the neural system should be aware of its previous nodal compartment activities after the last call to .settle() (you would want to also set cold_start to False in this situation). We remark that a better alternative to using .settle() for streaming data applications is to, like we did early in this tutorial, work with the lower-level API of your NGCGraph and just use its .step() routine which exactly simulates one discrete step of time of your graph. This would allow you to set up “events” such as when you want .step() to return updates to synapses (by setting the calc_delta argument to True if you do and False otherwise) and when you want node compartments to go to their actual resting states with a call to .set_to_resting_state(). We caution the user that leveraging the lower-level online functionality of an NGCGraph does require some degree of comfort with how ngc-learn operates and care should be taken to check that your system is evolving in the way that you expect (working with the online functionality of an NGC system will be the subject of a future advanced lesson). While it offers flexibility, the .step() function also assumes that the experimenter will properly set the other functions that .settle() normally takes care of automatically, such as .set_to_resting_state(), clamping, and injecting compartment values.

Setting the Order of Synaptic Adjustments

Normally, when you set update rules for cables that you would like to evolve with time, your NGCGraph will determine its own order in which the calculated adjustments appear in the delta object (returned from .settle()) as well as the order in which learnable parameters appear in the .theta data member. If you wanted the order of the cables to appear in a certain way in .theta (which would affect the order of delta), you can use the .set_learning_order() function before you call the .compile() routine for your NGCGraph.

This was actually done earlier in the last section, where you set the order of the cable parameters in .theta to be cable b_bmu followed by cable a_amu as in the code snippet reproduced from earlier:

circuit.set_learning_order([b_bmu, a_amu]) # enforces order - b_bmu then a_amu

Setting the order of learnable cables directly affects what is returned by functions such as .settle() and .step() since, internally, the NGCGraph will organize itself to ensure that the order of updates in delta exactly match the order of learnable parameters stored in .theta. (Note: if a cable has a synaptic matrix A and bias b, then always the order will be that cable’s A followed by b in .theta.)

Extracting Signals and Properties: Getter Functions

Two of the most important “getter” functions you will want to be familiar with when dealing with NGCGraph’s are .extract() and .getNode().

The .extract() function is useful when you want to access particular values of your NGC system at a particular instant. For example, let us say that you want to retrieve and inspect the value of the z compartment of the node a in the 5-node circuit you built in the last section right. You would then utilize the .extract() methods as follows:

node_value = circuit.extract("a", "z")
print(" -> Inspecting value of Node a.z = {}".format(node_value.numpy()))

which would print to your terminal:

 -> Inspecting value of Node a.z = [[-0.9275531   2.341278    0.2365013   1.2464949   0.76036114]]

NOTE: it is meaningless to call .extract() in the following two cases:

  1. after you call .clear(), as .clear() will completely wipe the state of your NGCGraph, and

  2. not before you have simulated used your NGCGraph for any amount of time (if you have never simulated the graph, then your graph has no signals of any meaning since it has never interact with data or an environment). If you call .extract() in cases like those above, it will simply return None.

The .getNode() is useful if you have already compiled your NGCGraph simulation object and want to retrieve properties related to a particular node in this graph. For example, let us say that you want to determine the dimensionality of the e node in your 5-node circuit of the last section. To do this, you would write the following code:

node = circuit.getNode("e")
print(" -> The dimensionality of Node e is {}".format(node.dim))

which would print to your terminal:

 -> The dimensionality of Node e is 3

The .getNode() method will return the full Node object of the same exact name you input as argument. With this object, you can query and inspect any of its internal data members, such as the .connected_cables as we did earlier in this lesson.

Clamping and Injecting Signals: Setter Functions

The two “setter” functions that will you find most useful when working with the NGCGraph are .clamp() and .inject(). Clamping and injecting, which both work very similarly, allow you to force certain compartments in certain nodes of your choosing to take on certain values before you simulate the NGCGraph for a certain period of time. While both of these initially place values into compartments, there is a subtle yet important difference in the effect each has on the graph over time. Desirably, both of these functions take in a list of arguments, allowing you clamp or inject many items at one time if needed.

In the event that you want a particular node’s compartment to take on a specific set of values and remain fixed at these values throughout the duration of a simulation time window, then you want to use .clamp(). In our 5-node circuit earlier, we in fact did this in our particular call to .settle() (which, internally, actually makes a call to .clamp() for you if you provide anything to the clamped_vars argument), but you could, alternatively, use the clamping function explicitly if you need to as follows:

b_val = tf.ones([1, circuit.getNode("b").dim])
circuit.clamp([("b", "z", b_val)])
readouts, delta = circuit.settle(
                    readout_vars=[("e", "pred_mu"),("e", "pred_targ")],
                    calc_delta=False # turn off update computation

node_value = circuit.extract("b", "z")
print(" -> Inspecting value of Node b.z = {}".format(node_value.numpy()))

which will, through each step of simulation conducted within the .settle() force the z compartment of node b to ALWAYS remain at the value of b_val (this vector of ones will persist throughout the simulation time window). The result of this code snippet prints to terminal the following:

 -> Inspecting value of Node b.z = [[1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]

This is as we would expect – we literally clamped a vector of six ones to z of node b and would expect to observe that this is still the case at the end of simulation.

If, in contrast, you only want to initialize a particular node’s compartment to start at a specific value but not necessarily remain at this value, you will want to use .inject(). Doing so looks like code below:

b_val = tf.ones([1, circuit.getNode("b").dim])
circuit.inject([("b", "z", b_val)])
readouts, delta = circuit.settle(
                    readout_vars=[("e", "pred_mu"),("e", "pred_targ")],
                    calc_delta=False # turn off update computation

node_value = circuit.extract("b", "z")
print(" -> Inspecting value of Node b.z = {}".format(node_value.numpy()))

which looks nearly identical to the clamping code we wrote above. However, the result of this computation is quite different as seen in the terminal output below:

 -> Inspecting value of Node b.z = [[8.505673  8.249885  8.257135  7.7380524 8.38973   8.267948 ]]

Notice that the values within z of node b are NOT ones like we saw in our previous clamping example. This is because this compartment only started at the first time step as a vector of ones but, according to the internal dynamics of node b which are driven by the originally useless feedback loop/cable e_b we created earlier – recall, at the time, that we wrote that this cable would do nothing because we clamped z in node b to a vector of ones. If we had instead injected the vector of ones, this compartment in node b would indeed have evolved over time.

Enforcing Constraints

One final item that you may find important when simulating the evolution of an NGCGraph is the enforcing of constraints through the .apply_constraints() routine. For example, you want to ensure that the Euclidean norms of the columns of a particular matrix A in one of your system’s cables never exceed a certain value (see Walkthrough #4 for a case that requires this constraint to be true).

To enforce a constraint on a particular cable, all you need to do is first make the desired cable aware of this constraint like so:

a_amu = a.wire_to(a_mu, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
constraint_cfg = {"clip_type":"norm_clip","clip_mag":1.0,"clip_axis":1}

then, whenever you call the .apply_constraints() of your NGCGraph simulation object, this constraint will internally be enforced/applied to the cable a_amu. Typically, this call looks like the following (using our 5-node circuit as an example):

readouts, delta = circuit.settle(
                    clamped_vars=[("b", "z",b_val)],
                    readout_vars=[("e", "L")]
opt.apply_gradients(zip(delta, circuit.theta))
circuit.apply_constraints() # generally apply constraints after an optimizer is used...

where we see that we call .apply_constraints() AFTER the Tensorflow optimizer has been used to actually alter the values of the synapses of the NGC system. If, after the SGD update had resulted in the norms of any of the columns in the matrix A of cable a_amu to exceed the value of 1.0, then .apply_constraints() would further alter this matrix to make sure it no longer violates this constraint.

A Note on Synaptic Decay: Like norm constraints, weight/synapse decay is also treated as a (soft) constraint in an NGCGraph. If you want to apply a small decay to a particular synaptic bundle matrix A in a particular cable, you can easily do so by simply calling the .set_decay() function like so:

a_b.set_decay(decay_kernel=("l1",0.00005)) # apply L1 weight decay to *A* in cable *a_b*

which would apply a decay factor based on a centered Laplacian distribution ( or an L1 penalty). If you chose l2 instead, the decay factor applied would then be based on a centered Gaussian distribution (or an L2 penalty) over each element in matrix A of cable a_b.

A Note on Graph Visualization

Earlier, we explored ngc-learn’s support for NGC architecture visualization, where we learned about the graph visualizer and using the short_name argument to superimpose desired “nicknames” for particular cables (yielding a less cluttered graph plot). As you build more complex graphs that combine different kinds of nodes, you will see other aspects of ngc-learn’s node and cable coloring/visual depiction scheme rendered. In this note, we will briefly define the full scheme:

  1. dense cables (DCable) are solid arcs,

  2. simple cables (SCable) are dashed arcs,

  3. non-learnable/evolving cables are colored blue,

  4. learnable/evolving cables are colored red,

  5. state nodes are colored gainsboro (or a grayish color),

  6. error nodes are colored mistyrose (or light reddish color) with slightly larger text,

  7. forward nodes are colored lavender, and

  8. spiking nodes are colored antiquewhite.

For example, a visualization of a hierarchical NGC generative model containing both state and error nodes would be the following:


Note that the plotted graph produced by the visualizer is always a directed graph. Furthermore, notice that the visualize_graph() method returns a full networkx directed graph, amenable to all of the graph operations/network analysis tools available to networkx graph objects. You can also alter the output path of the generated dynamic HTML (*.html) object by modifying output_dir, which will also change the location of a GraphML object saved to disk which is auto-named <name_of_your_ngcgraph>.graphml (for use with external graph analysis toolkits that can read in the GraphML file format).


You now have successfully gone through the core details and functionality of ngc-learn’s nodes-and-cables system. The next step is to build your own NGC systems/models for your own research projects and play with the pre-designed systems in the Model Museum (and go through the walkthroughs). In future upcoming tutorial lessons, we will cover topics such designing your own customs nodes or cables that interact with the nodes-and-cables system and working with the low-level online functionality of simulated NGC systems.


Hebb, Donald Olding. The organization of behavior: A neuropsychological theory. Psychology Press, 2005.