Walkthrough 6: Harmoniums and Contrastive Divergence

Although ngc-learn was originally designed with a focus on predictive processing neural systems, it is possible to simulate other kinds of neural systems with different dynamics and forms of learning. Notably, a class of learning and inference systems that adapt through a process known as contrastive Hebbian learning (CHL) can be constructed and simulated with ngc-learn.

In this walkthrough, we will design a simple (single-wing) Harmonium, also known as the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM). We will specifically focus on learning its synaptic connections with an algorithmic recipe known as Contrastive Divergence (CD). After going through this walkthrough, you will:

  1. Learn how to construct an NGCGraph that emulates the structure of an RBM and adapt the NGC settling process to calculate approximate synaptic weight gradients in accordance to Contrastive Divergence.

  2. Simulate fantasized image samples using the block Gibbs sampler implicitly defined by the negative phase graph.

Note that the folders of interest to this walkthrough are:

  • walkthroughs/demo6/: this contains the necessary simulation scripts

  • walkthroughs/data/: this contains the zipped copy of the digit image arrays

On Single-Wing Harmoniums

A Harmonium is a generative model implemented as a stochastic, two-layer neural system that attempts to learn a probability distribution over sensory input \(\mathbf{x}\), i.e., the goal of a Harmonium is to learn \(p(\mathbf{x})\), much like the models we were learning in Walkthrough #1. Fundamentally, the approach to estimating \(p(\mathbf{x})\) that is taken by a Harmonium is through optimizing an energy function \(E(\mathbf{x})\) (a concept motivated by statistical mechanics), where the system searches for an internal configuration, i.e., the values of its synapses, has low energy (values) for patterns that lie come from the true data distribution \(p(\mathbf{x})\) and high energy (values) for patterns that do not (or those that do not come from the training dataset).

The most common, standard Harmonium is one where input nodes (one per dimension of the data observation space) are modeled as binary/Boolean sensors, or “visible units” \(\mathbf{z}^0\) (which are clamped to actual data patterns), connected to a layer of (stochastic) binary latent feature detectors, or “hidden units” \(\mathbf{z}^1\). Notably, the connections between the latent and visible units are symmetric. As a result of a key restriction imposed on the Harmonium’s network structure, i.e., no lateral connections between the neurons in \(\mathbf{z}^0\) as well as those in \(\mathbf{z}^1\), computing the latent and visible states is simple:

\[\begin{split} p(\mathbf{z}^1 | \mathbf{z}^0) &= sigmoid(\mathbf{W} \cdot \mathbf{z}^0 + \mathbf{c}), \; \mathbf{z}^1 \sim p(\mathbf{z}^1 | \mathbf{z}^0) \\ p(\mathbf{z}^0 | \mathbf{z}^1) &= sigmoid(\mathbf{W}^T \cdot \mathbf{z}^1 + \mathbf{b}), \; \mathbf{z}^0 \sim p(\mathbf{z}^0 | \mathbf{z}^1) \end{split}\]

where \(\mathbf{b}\) is the visible bias vector, \(\mathbf{c}\) is the latent bias vector, and \(\mathbf{W}\) is the synaptic weight matrix that connects \(\mathbf{z}^0\) to \(\mathbf{z}^1\) (and its transpose \(\mathbf{W}^T\) is used to make predictions of the input itself). Note that \(\cdot\) means matrix/vector multiplication and \(\sim\) denotes that we would sample from a probability (vector) and, in the above Harmonium’s case, samples will be drawn treating conditionals such as \(p(\mathbf{z}^1 | \mathbf{z}^0)\) as multivariate Bernoulli distributions. \(\mathbf{z}^0\) would typically be clamped/set to the actual sensory input data \(\mathbf{x}\).

The energy function of the Harmonium’s joint configuration \((\mathbf{z}^0,\mathbf{z}^1)\) (similar to that of a Hopfield network) is specified as follows:

\[ E(\mathbf{z}^0,\mathbf{z}^1) = -\sum_i \mathbf{b}_i \mathbf{z}^0_i - \sum_j \mathbf{c}_j \mathbf{z}^1_j - \sum_i \sum_j \mathbf{z}^0_i \mathbf{W}_{ij} \mathbf{z}^1_j \]

Notice in the equation above, we sum over indices, e.g., \(\mathbf{z}^0_i\) retrieves the \(i\)th scalar element of (vector) \(\mathbf{z}^0\) while \(\mathbf{W}_{ij}\) retrieves the scalar element at position \((i,j)\) within matrix \(\mathbf{W}\). With this energy function, one can write out the probability that a Harmonium assigns to a data point:

\[ p(\mathbf{z}^0 = \mathbf{x}) = \frac{1}{Z} \exp( -E(\mathbf{z}^0,\mathbf{z}^1) ) \]

where \(Z\) is the normalizing constant (or, in statistics mechanics, the partition function) needed to obtain proper probability values (and is, in fact, intractable to compute for any reasonably-sized Harmonium – fortunately, we will not need to calculate it in order to learn a Harmonium). When one works through the derivation of the gradient of the log probability \(\log p(\mathbf{x})\) with respect to the synapses such as \(\mathbf{W}\), they get a (contrastive) Hebbian-like update rule as follows:

\[ \Delta \mathbf{W} = <\mathbf{z}^0_i \mathbf{z}^1_j>_{data} - <\mathbf{z}^0_i \mathbf{z}^1_j>_{model} \]

where the angle brackets \(< >\) tell us that we need to take the expectation of the values within the brackets under a certain distribution (such as the data distribution denoted by the subscript \(data\)).

Technically, to compute the update above, obtaining the first term \(<\mathbf{z}^0_i \mathbf{z}^1_j>_{data}\) is easy since we take the product of a data point and its corresponding hidden state under the Harmonium but obtaining \(<\mathbf{z}^0_i \mathbf{z}^1_j>_{model}\) is very costly, as we would need to initialize the value of \(\mathbf{z}^0\) to a random initial sate and then run a Gibbs sampler for many iterations to accurately approximate the second term. Fortunately, it was shown in work such as [3], that learning a Harmonium is still possible by replacing the term \(<\mathbf{z}^0_i \mathbf{z}^1_j>_{model}\) with \(<\mathbf{z}^0_i \mathbf{z}^1_j>_{recon}\), which is simply computed by using the first term’s latent state \(\mathbf{z}^1\) to reconstruct the input and then using this reconstruction one more to obtain its corresponding binary latent state. This is known as “Contrastive Divergence”, and, although this approximation has been shown to not actual follow the gradient of any known objective function, it works well in practice when learning a generative model based on a Harmonium. Finally, the vectorized form of the Contrastive Divergence update is:

\[ \Delta \mathbf{W} = \Big[ (\mathbf{z}^0_{pos})^T \cdot \mathbf{z}^1_{pos} \Big] - \Big[ (\mathbf{z}^0_{neg})^T \cdot \mathbf{z}^1_{neg} \Big] \]

where the first term (in brackets) is labeled as the “positive phase” (or the positive, data-dependent statistics – where \(\mathbf{z}^0_{pos}\) denotes the positive phase sample of \(\mathbf{z}^0\)) while the second term is labeled as the “negative phase” (or the negative, data-independent statistics – where \(\mathbf{z}^0_{neg}\) denotes the negative phase sample of \(\mathbf{z}^0\)). Note that simpler rules of a similar form can be worked out for the latent/visible bias vectors as well.

In ngc-learn, to simulate the above Harmonium generative model and its Contrastive Divergence update, we will model the positive and negative phases as simulated NGCGraphs, each responsible for producing the relevant statistics we need to adjust synapses. In addition, we will find that we can further re-purpose the created graphs to construct a block Gibbs sampler needed to create “fantasized” data patterns from a trained Harmonium.

Restricted Boltzmann Machines: Positive & Negative Graphs

We begin by first specifying the structure of the Harmonium system we would like to simulate. In NGC shorthand, the above positive and negative phase graphs would simply be (under one complete generative model):

z0 -(z0-z1)-> z1
z1 -(z1-z0) -> z0
Note: z1-z0 = (z0-z1)^T (transpose-tied synapses)

To construct the desired Harmonium model, particularly the structure needed to simulate Contrastive Divergence, we will need to break up the model into its key “phases”, i.e., a positive phase and a negative phase. We will model each phase as its own simulated NGC graph, allowing us to craft a general approach that permits a K-step Contrastive Divergence learning process. In particular, we will use the negative graph to emulate the crucial MCMC sampling step.

Building the positive phase of our Harmonium is simple and straightforward and could be written as follows:

integrate_cfg = {"integrate_type" : "euler", "use_dfx" : False}
init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("gaussian",wght_sd), "b_init" : ("zeros")}
dcable_cfg = {"type": "dense", "init_kernels" : init_kernels, "seed" : seed}
pos_scable_cfg = {"type": "simple", "coeff": 1.0}

## set up positive phase nodes
z1 = SNode(name="z1", dim=z_dim, beta=1, act_fx=act_fx, zeta=0.0,
             integrate_kernel=integrate_cfg, samp_fx="bernoulli")
z0 = SNode(name="z0", dim=x_dim, beta=1, act_fx="identity", zeta=0.0,
z0_z1 = z0.wire_to(z1, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_bu", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
z1_z0 = z1.wire_to(z0, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_bu", mirror_path_kernel=(z0_z1,"A^T"),

## set up positive phase update
z0_z1.set_update_rule(preact=(z0,"phi(z)"), postact=(z1,"phi(z)"), param=["A","b"])
z1_z0.set_update_rule(postact=(z0,"phi(z)"), param=["b"])

# build positive graph
print(" > Constructing Positive Phase Graph")
pos_phase = NGCGraph(K=1, name="rbm_pos")
pos_phase.set_cycle(nodes=[z0, z1]) # z0 -> z1
pos_phase.set_learning_order([z1_z0, z0_z1])

which amounts to simply simulating the projection of z0 to latent state z1. The key to ensuring we simulate this simple function properly is to effectively “turn off” key parts of the neural state dynamics. Specifically, we see in the above code-snippet we set the state update beta = 1 – this means that the full value of the deposits in dz_bu and dz_bu will be added to the current value of the compartment z within z1 – and zeta = 0 – which means that the amount of recurrent carryover is completely zeroed out (yielding a stateless node). Notice we have created a “dummy” or ghost connection via the cable z1_z0 even though our positive phase graph will NOT actually execute the transform. However, this ghost connection is needed so that way our positive phase graph contains a visible unit bias vector (which will receive a full Hebbian update equal to the clamped visible value in the compartment phi(z) of z0).

When we trigger the .settle() routine for the above model given some observed data (e.g., an image or image patch), we will obtain our single-step positive phase (sufficient) statistics which include the clamped observed value of z0 = x as well as its corresponding latent activity z1. This gives us half of what we need to learn a Harmonium.

To gather the rest of the statistics that we require, we need to build the negative phase of our model (to emulate its ability to “dream” up or confabulate samples from its internal model of the world). While constructing the negative phase is not that much more difficult than crafting the positive phase, it does take a bit of care to emulate the underlying “cycle” that occurs in a Harmonium when it synthesizes data when using ngc-learn’s stateful dynamics. In short, we need three nodes to explicitly simulate the negative phase – a z1n_i intermediate variable that we can clamp on the positive phase value of the latent state z1, a generation output node z0n (where n labels this node as a “negative phase statistic”), and finally a generated latent state z1n that corresponds to the output node. The simulated cycle z1n_i => z0n => z1n can then be written as:

# set up negative phase nodes
z1n_i = SNode(name="z1n_i", dim=z_dim, beta=1, act_fx=act_fx, zeta=0.0,
             integrate_kernel=integrate_cfg, samp_fx="bernoulli")
z0n = SNode(name="z0n", dim=x_dim, beta=1, act_fx=out_fx, zeta=0.0,
             integrate_kernel=integrate_cfg, samp_fx="bernoulli")
z1n = SNode(name="z1n", dim=z_dim, beta=1, act_fx=act_fx, zeta=0.0,
             integrate_kernel=integrate_cfg, samp_fx="bernoulli")
n1_n0 = z1n_i.wire_to(z0n, src_comp="S(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", mirror_path_kernel=(z0_z1,"A^T"),
                    cable_kernel=dcable_cfg) # reuse A but create new b
n0_n1 = z0n.wire_to(z1n, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_bu", mirror_path_kernel=(z0_z1,"A+b")) # reuse A  & b
n1_n1 = z1n.wire_to(z1n_i, src_comp="z", dest_comp="dz_bu", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)

# set up negative phaszupdate
n0_n1.set_update_rule(preact=(z0n,"phi(z)"), postact=(z1n,"phi(z)"), param=["A","b"])
n1_n0.set_update_rule(postact=(z0n,"phi(z)"), param=["b"])

# build negative graph
print(" > Constructing Negative Phase Graph")
neg_phase = NGCGraph(K=1, name="rbm_neg")
neg_phase.set_cycle(nodes=[z1n_i, z0n, z1n]) # z1 -> z0 -> z1
neg_phase.set_learning_order([n1_n0, n0_n1]) # forces order: c, W, b

where we observe that the above “negative phase” graph allows us to emulate the general K-step Contrastive Divergence algorithm (CD-K, where the commonly-used single step approximation, or K=1 is denoted as CD-1 or just “CD”). Technically, a Harmonium should be run for a very high value of K (approaching infinity) in order to obtain a proper sample from the Harmonium’s equilibrium/steady state distribution. However, this would be extremely costly to simulate and, as early studies [3] observed, often only a few or even a single step of this Markov chain proved to work quite well, approximating the contrastive divergence objective (the learning algorithm’s namesake) instead of direct maximum likelihood.

Notice we utilize a special helper function set_learning_order() in both the positive and negative phase graphs. This function allows us to impose an explicit order (by taking in a list of the explicit cables we have created for a particular graph) in the synaptic adjustment matrices that the NGCGraph simulation object will return (we do this to ensure that the delta matrices exactly mirror the order of those that will be returned by the positive phase graph). This is important to do when you need to coordinate the returned learning products of two or more NGCGraph objects, as we will do shortly. The order we have imposed above ensures that we return a positive delta list and a negative delta list that both respect the following ordering: db, dW, dc.

Now that we have the two graphs above, we can write the routine that will explicitly calculate the approximate synaptic weight gradients as follows:

x = # ... sampled data pattern (or batch of patterns) ...
Ns = x.shape[0]
## run positive phase
readouts, pos_delta = pos_phase.settle(
                        clamped_vars=[("z0","z", x)],
z1_pos = readouts[0][2] # get positive phase binary latent state z1
## run negative phase
readouts, neg_delta = neg_phase.settle(
                        init_vars=[("z1n_i","S(z)", z1_pos)],
x_hat = readouts[0][2] # return reconstruction (from negative phase)

## calculate the full Contrastive Divergence updates
delta = []
for i in range(len(pos_delta)):
    pos_dx = pos_delta[i]
    neg_dx = neg_delta[i]
    dx = ( pos_dx - neg_dx ) * (1.0/(Ns * 1.0))
    delta.append(dx) # multiply CD update by -1 to allow for minimization

opt.apply_gradients(zip(delta, pos_phase.theta))

where we see that our synaptic update code carefully coordinates the positive and negative “halves” of our Harmonium by not only combining their returned local updates to compute full/final weight adjustments but also ensures that we set/point the synaptic parameters inside of the .theta of the negative graph to those in the .theta of the positive graph.

Note that one could adapt the code above (or what is found in the Model Museum Harmonium model structure) to emulate more advanced/powerful forms of Contrastive Divergence such as “persistent” Contrastive Divergence, where we, instead of clamping the value of z1 to z1n_i, we inject random noise (or to a sample of the Harmonium’s latent prior), and even an algorithm known as parallel tempering, where we would emulate multiple “negative graphs” and use samples from all of them.

Before we go and fit our Harmonium to actual data, we need to write one final bit of functionality for our model – the block Gibbs sampler to synthesize data samples given the model’s current set of synaptic parameters. This is simply done as follows:

def sample(pos_phase, neg_phase, K, x_sample=None, batch_size=1):
    samples = []
    z1_sample = None
    ## set up initial condition for the block Gibbs sampler (use positive phase)
    readouts, _ = pos_phase.settle(
                    clamped_vars=[("z0","z", x_sample)],
    z1_sample = readouts[0][2]

    ## run block Gibbs sampler to generate a chain of sampled patterns
    neg_phase.inject([("z1n_i", "S(z)", z1_sample)]) # start chain at sample
    for k in range(K):
        readouts, _ = neg_phase.settle(
                        readout_vars=[("z0n", "phi(z)"), ("z1n", "phi(z)")],
                        calc_delta=False, K=1
        z0_prob = readouts[0][2] # the "sample" of z0
        z1_prob = readouts[1][2]
        samples.append(z0_prob) # collect output sample
        neg_phase.inject([("z1n_i", "phi(z)", z1_prob)])
    return samples

Notice that this sampling function produces a list/array of samples in the order in which they were produced by the Markov chain constructed above.

Using the Harmonium to Dream Up Handwritten Digits

We finally take the Harmonium that we have constructed above and fit it to some MNIST digits (the same dataset we used in Walkthrough #1). Specifically, we will leverage the Harmonium, model in the Model Museum as it implements the above core components/functions internally. In the
script sim_train.py, you will find a general simulated training loop similar to what we have developed in previous walkthroughs that will fit our Harmonium to the MNIST database (unzip the file mnist.zip in the /walkthroughs/data/ directory if you have not already) by cycling through it several times, saving the final (best) resulting to disk within the rbm/ sub-directory. Go ahead and execute the training process as follows:

$ python sim_train.py --config=rbm/fit.cfg --gpu_id=0

which will fit/adapt your Harmonium to MNIST. Once the training process has finished, you can then run the following to sample from Harmonium using block Gibbs sampling:

$ python sample_rbm.py --config=rbm/fit.cfg --gpu_id=0

which will take your trained Harmonium’s negative phase and use it to synthesize some digits. You should see inside the rbm/ sub-directory something similar to:




It is important to understand that the three rows of samples shown above come from particular points in the block Gibbs sampling process. Specifically, the script that you ran sets the number of steps to be K=80 and stores/visualizes a fantasized image every 8 steps. Furthermore, we initialize each of the three above Markov chains with a randomly sampled image from the MNIST training dataset. Note that higher-quality samples can be obtained if one modifies the earlier Harmonium to learn with persistent Contrastive Divergence or parallel tempering.

Finally, you can also run the viz_filters.py script to extract the acquired filters/ receptive fields of your trained Harmonium, much as we did for the sparse coding and hierarchical ISTA models in Walkthroughs #4 and #5, as follows:

$ python viz_filters.py --config=rbm/fit.cfg --gpu_id=0

to obtain a plot similar to the one below:


Interestingly enough, we see that our Harmonium has extracted what appears to be rough stroke features, which is what it uses when sampling its binary latent feature detectors to compose final synthesized image patterns (each binary feature detector serves as Boolean function that emits a 1 if the feature/filter is to be used and a 0 if not). In particular, notice that the filters our Harmonium has acquired are a bit more prominent due to the weight decay we applied earlier via z0_z1.set_decay(decay_kernel=("l1",0.00005)) (which tells the NGCGraph simulation object to apply Laplacian/L1 decay to the W matrix of our RBM).

On a final note, the Harmonium we have built in this walkthrough is a classical Bernoulli Harmonium and thus assumes that the input data features are binary in nature. If one wants to model data that is continuous/real-valued, then the Harmonium model above would need to be adapted to utilize visible units that follow a distribution such as the multivariate Gaussian distribution, yielding, for example, a Gaussian restricted Boltzmann machine (GRBM).


[1] Smolensky, P. “Information Processing in Dynamical Systems: Foundations of Harmony Theory.” Parallel distributed processing: explorations in the microstructure of cognition 1 (1986).
[2] Geoffrey Hinton. Products of Experts. International conference on artificial neural networks (1999).
[3] Hinton, Geoffrey E. “Training products of experts by maximizing contrastive likelihood.” Technical Report, Gatsby computational neuroscience unit (1999).