Walkthrough 1: Learning NGC Generative Models

In this demonstration, we will learn how to use ngc-learn’s Model Museum to fit an NGC generative model, which is also called a generative neural coding network (GNCN), to the MNIST database. Specifically, we will focus on training three key models, each from different points in history, and estimate their marginal log likelihoods. Along the way, we will see how to fit a prior to our models and examine how a simple configuration file can be set up to allow for easy recording of experimental settings.

Concretely, after going through this demonstration, you will:

  1. Understand how to import and train models from ngc-learn’s Model Museum.

  2. Fit a density estimator to an NGC model’s latent space to create a prior.

  3. Estimate the marginal log likelihood of three GNCNs using the prior-fitting scheme designed in this demonstration.

Note that the two folders of interest to this demonstration are:

  • walkthroughs/demo1/: this contains the necessary scripts and configuration files

  • walkthroughs/data/: this contains a zipped copy of the MNIST database arrays

Setting Up and Training a Generative System

To start, navigate to the walkthroughs/ directory to access the example/demonstration code and further enter the walkthroughs/data/ sub-folder. Unzip the file mnist.zip to create one more sub-folder that contains a set of numpy arrays each house a different slice of the MNIST database, i.e., trainX.npy and trainY.npy compose the training set (image patterns and their labels), validX.npyand validY.npy make up the development/validation set, and testX.npyand testY.npy compose the test set. Note that pixels in all image vectors have been normalized for you, to the range of [0,1].

Next, in walkthroughs/demo1/, observe the provided script sim_train.py, which contains the code to execute the training process of an NGC model. Inside this file, we can export one of three possible GNCNs from ngc-learn’s Model Museum, i.e., the GNCN-t1 (which is an instantiation of the model proposed in Rao & Ballard, 1999 [1]), the GNCN-t1-Sigma (an instantiation of the model proposed in Friston 2008 [2]), and the GNCN-PDH (one of the models proposed in Ororbia & Kifer 2022 [3]).

Importing models from the Model Museum is straightforward and only requires a few lines to be placed in the header of a training script. Notice that we import several items besides the models, including a DataLoader, like so:

from ngclearn.utils.data_utils import DataLoader

some metrics, transformations, and other I/O tools, as follows:

from ngclearn.utils.config import Config
import ngclearn.utils.transform_utils as transform
import ngclearn.utils.metric_utils as metric
import ngclearn.utils.io_utils as io_tools

where Config is an argument configuration object that reads in values set by the user in a *.cfg configuration file, transform_utils contains mathematical functions to alter vectors/matrices (we will use the binarize() function, which, inside of sim_train.py, will convert the MNIST image patterns to their binary equivalents), and metric_utils contains measurement functions (we will use the binary cross entropy routine bce()). Finally, we import the models themselves, as shown below:

from ngclearn.museum.gncn_t1 import GNCN_t1
from ngclearn.museum.gncn_t1_sigma import GNCN_t1_Sigma
from ngclearn.museum.gncn_pdh import GNCN_PDH

With the above imported from ngc-learn, we have everything we need to craft a full training cycle as well as track a model’s out-of-sample inference ability on validation data.

Notice in the script, at the start of our with-statement (which is used to force the following computations to reside in a particular GPU/CPU), before initializing a chosen model, we define a second special function to track another important quantity special to NGC models – the total discrepancy (ToD) – as follows:

def calc_ToD(agent):
    """Measures the total discrepancy (ToD) of a given NGC model"""
    ToD = 0.0
    L2 = agent.ngc_model.extract(node_name="e2", node_var_name="L")
    L1 = agent.ngc_model.extract(node_name="e1", node_var_name="L")
    L0 = agent.ngc_model.extract(node_name="e0", node_var_name="L")
    ToD = -(L0 + L1 + L2)
    return float(ToD)

This function is used to measure the internal disorder, or approximate free energy, within an NGC model based on its error neurons (since, internally, our imported models use the specialized ENode to create error neuron nodes, we retrieve each node’s specialized compartment known as the scalar local loss L – for details on nodes and their compartments, see Demonstration # 2 for details – but you could also compute each local loss with distance functions, e.g., L2 = tf.norm( agent.ngc_model.extract(node_name="e2", node_var_name="phi(z)"), ord=2 )). Measuring ToD allows us to monitor the entire NGC system’s optimization process and make sure it is behaving correctly, making progress towards reaching a stable fixed-point.

Next, we write an evaluation function that leverages a DataLoader and a NGC model and returns some useful problem-specific measurements. In this demo’s case, we want to measure and track binary cross entropy across training iterations/epochs. The evaluation loop can be written like so:

def eval_model(agent, dataset, calc_ToD, verbose=False):
        Evaluates performance of agent on this fixed-point data sample
    ToD = 0.0 # total disrepancy over entire data pool
    Lx = 0.0 # metric/loss over entire data pool
    N = 0.0 # number samples seen so far
    for batch in dataset:
        x_name, x = batch[0]
        N += x.shape[0]
        x_hat = agent.settle(x) # conduct iterative inference
        # update tracked fixed-point losses
        Lx = tf.reduce_sum( metric.bce(x_hat, x) ) + Lx
        ToD = calc_ToD(agent) + ToD # calc ToD
        if verbose == True:
            print("\r ToD {0}  Lx {1} over {2} samples...".format((ToD/(N * 1.0)), (Lx/(N * 1.0)), N),end="")
    if verbose == True:
    Lx = Lx / N
    ToD = ToD / N
    return ToD, Lx

Notice that, in the above code snippet, we pass in the current NGC model (agent), the DataLoader (dataset), and the ToD function we wrote earlier. Now we have a means to measure some aspect of the generalization ability of our NGC model, all that remains is to craft a training process loop for NGC model. This loop could take the following form:

# create a  training loop
ToD, Lx = eval_model(agent, train_set, calc_ToD, verbose=True)
vToD, vLx = eval_model(agent, dev_set, calc_ToD, verbose=True)
print("{} | ToD = {}  Lx = {} ; vToD = {}  vLx = {}".format(-1, ToD, Lx, vToD, vLx))

sim_start_time = time.time()
for i in range(num_iter): # for each training iteration/epoch
    ToD = 0.0 # estimated ToD over an epoch (or whole dataset)
    Lx = 0.0 # estimated total loss over epoch (or whole dataset)
    n_s = 0
    # run single epoch/pass/iteration through dataset
    for batch in train_set:
        n_s += batch[0][1].shape[0] # track num samples seen so far
        x_name, x = batch[0]
        x_hat = agent.settle(x) # conduct iterative inference
        ToD_t = calc_ToD(agent) # calc ToD
        Lx = tf.reduce_sum( metric.bce(x_hat, x) ) + Lx
        # update synaptic parameters given current model internal state
        delta = agent.calc_updates()
        opt.apply_gradients(zip(delta, agent.ngc_model.theta))

        ToD = ToD_t + ToD
        print("\r train.ToD {0}  Lx {1}  with {2} samples seen...".format(
              (ToD/(n_s * 1.0)), (Lx/(n_s * 1.0)), n_s),
    ToD = ToD / (n_s * 1.0)
    Lx = Lx / (n_s * 1.0)
    # evaluate generalization ability on dev set
    vToD, vLx = eval_model(agent, dev_set, calc_ToD)
    print("{} | ToD = {}  Lx = {} ; vToD = {}  vLx = {}".format(
          i, ToD, Lx, vToD, vLx)

The above code block represents the core training process loop but you will also find in sim_train.py a few other mechanisms that allow for:

  1. model saving/check-pointing,

  2. an early-stopping mechanism based on patience, and

  3. some metric/ToD tracking by storing and saving updated sets of scalar lists to disk. Taking all of the above together, you can simulate the NGC training process after setting some chosen values in your *.cfg configuration file, which is read in near the beginning of your training script. For example, in train_sim.py, you will see some basic code that reads in an external experimental configuration *.cfg file:

options, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ["config=","gpu_id=","n_trials="])
# GPU arguments and configuration
cfg_fname = None
use_gpu = False
n_trials = 1
gpu_id = -1
for opt, arg in options:
    if opt in ("--config"):
        cfg_fname = arg.strip()
    elif opt in ("--gpu_id"):
        gpu_id = int(arg.strip())
        use_gpu = True
    elif opt in ("--n_trials"):
        n_trials = int(arg.strip())
mid = gpu_id
if mid >= 0:
    print(" > Using GPU ID {0}".format(mid))
    #gpu_tag = '/GPU:0'
    gpu_tag = '/GPU:0'
    gpu_tag = '/CPU:0'

save_marker = 1

# load in and build the configuration object
args = Config(cfg_fname) # contains arguments for the simulation

Furthermore, notice that the above code snippet contains a bit of setup to allow you to switch to a GPU of your choice (if you set gpu_id to a value >= 0) or a CPU if no GPU is available (gpu_id should be set to -1). Notice that the Config object reads in a /path/to/file_name.cfg text file and produces a queryable object that is backed by a dictionary/hash-table.

The above code blocks/snippets can be found in train_sim.py which has been written for you to study and use/run along with the provided example configuration scripts (notice for each model there one subfolder in /walkthroughs/demo1/ for each of the three models for you to train, each with their own training script fit.cfg and analysis.cfg script). Let us go ahead and train one of each the three models that we imported into our training script at the start of this demonstration. Run the following three commands as shown below:

$ python sim_train.py --config==gncn_t1/fit.cfg --gpu_id=0 --n_trials=1
$ python sim_train.py --config==gncn_t1_sigma/fit.cfg --gpu_id=0 --n_trials=1
$ python sim_train.py --config==gncn_pdh/fit.cfg --gpu_id=0 --n_trials=1

Alternatively, you can also just run the global bash script exec_experiments.sh that we have also provided in /walkthroughs/demo1/, which will just simply execute the above three experiments sequentially for you. Run this bash script like so:

$ ./exec_experiments.sh

As an individual script runs, you will see printed to the terminal, after each epoch, an estimate of the ToD and the BCE over the full training sample as well as the measured validation ToD and BCE over the full development data subset. Note that our training script retrieves from the walkthroughs/data/mnist/ folder (that you unzipped earlier) only the training arrays, i.e., trainX.npy and trainY.npy, and the validation set arrays, i.e., validX.npy and validY.npy. We will use the test set arrays testX.npy and testY.npy in a follow-up analysis once we have trained each of our models above. After all the processes/scripts terminate, you can check inside each of the model folders, i.e., walkthroughs/demo1/gncn_t1/, walkthroughs/demo1/gncn_t1_sigma/, and walkthroughs/demo1/gncn_pdh/, and see that your script(s) saved/serialized to disk a few useful files:

  • Lx0.npy: the BCE training loss for the training set over epoch

  • ToD0.npy: the ToD measurement for the training set over epoch

  • vLx0.npy: the validation BCE loss over epoch

  • vToD0.npy: the validation ToD measurement loss over epoch

  • model0.ngc: your saved/serialized NGC model (with best validation performance)

You can use then plot the numpy arrays using matplotlib or your favorite visualization library/package to create curves for each measurement over epoch. The final object, the model object model0.ngc, is what we will use in the next section to quantitatively evaluate how well our NGC models work as a generative models.

Analyzing a Trained Generative Model

Now that you have trained three NGC generative models, we now want to analyze them a bit further, beyond just the total discrepancy and binary cross entropy (the latter of which just tells you how good the model is at auto-associative reconstruction of samples of binary-valued data).

In particular, we are interested in measuring the marginal log likelihood of our models, or log p(x). In general, calculating such a quantity exactly is intractable for any reasonably-sized model since we would have marginalize out the latent variables Z = {z1, z2, z3} of each our generative models, requiring us to evaluate an integral over a continuous space. However, though things seem bleak, we can approximate this marginal by resorting to a Monte Carlo estimate and simply draw as many samples as we need (or can computationally handle) from the underlying prior distribution inherent to our NGC model in order to calculate log p(x). Since the NGC models that we have designed/trained in this demo embody an underlying directed generative model, i.e., p(x,Z) = p(x|z1) p(z1|z2) p(z2|z3) p(z3), we can use efficient ancestral sampling to produce fantasy image samples after we query the underlying latent prior p(z3).

Unfortunately, unlike models such as the variational autoencoder (VAE), we do not have an explicitly defined prior distribution, such as a standard multivariate Gaussian, that makes later sampling simple (the VAE is trained with an encoder that forces the generative model to stick as close as it can to this imposed prior). An NGC model’s latent prior is, in contrast to the VAE, multimodal and thus simply using a standard Gaussian will not quite produce the fantasized samples we would expect. Nevertheless, we can, in fact, far more accurately capture an NGC model’s prior p(z3) by treating it as a mixture of Gaussians and instead estimate its multimodal density with a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Once we have this learned GMM prior, we can sample from this model of p(z3) and run these samples through the NGC graph via ancestral sampling (using the prebuilt ancestral projection function project()).

ngc-learn is designed to offer some basic support for density estimation, and for this demonstration, we will import and use its GMM density estimator (which builds on top of scikit-learn’s GMM base model), i.e., ngclearn.density.gmm. First, we will need to extract the latent variables from the trained NGC model, which simply requires us to adapt our eval_model() function in our training script to also now return a design matrix where each row contains one latent code vector produced by our model per data point in a sample pool. Specifically, all we need to write is the following:

def extract_latents(agent, dataset, calc_ToD, verbose=False):
        Extracts latent activities of an agent on a fixed-point data sample
    latents = None
    ToD = 0.0
    Lx = 0.0
    N = 0.0
    for batch in dataset:
        x_name, x = batch[0]
        N += x.shape[0]
        x_hat = agent.settle(x) # conduct iterative inference
        lats = agent.ngc_model.extract(node_name, cmpt_name)
        if latents is not None:
            latents = tf.concat([latents,lats],axis=0)
            latents = lats
        ToD_t = calc_ToD(agent) # calc ToD
        # update tracked fixed-point losses
        Lx = tf.reduce_sum( metric.bce(x_hat, x) ) + Lx
        ToD = calc_ToD(agent) + ToD
        print("\r ToD {0}  Lx {1} over {2} samples...".format((ToD/(N * 1.0)), (Lx/(N * 1.0)), N),end="")
    Lx = Lx / N
    ToD = ToD / N
    return latents, ToD, Lx

Notice we still keep our measurement of the ToD and BCE just as an extra sanity check to make sure that any model we de-serialize from disk yields values similar to what we measured during our training process. Armed with the extraction function above, we can gather the latent codes of our NGC model. Notice that in the provided walkthroughs/demo1/extract_latents.py script, you will find the above function fully integrated and used. Go ahead and run the extraction script for the first of your three models:

$ python extract_latents.py --config==gncn_t1/analyze.cfg --gpu_id=0

and you will now find inside the folder walkthroughs/demo1/gncn_t1/ a new numpy array file z3_0.npy, which contains all of the latent variables for the top-most layer of your GNCN-t1 model (you can examine the configuration file analyze.cfg to see what arguments we set to achieve this).

Now it is time to fit the GMM prior. In the fit_gmm.py script, we have set up the necessary framework for you to do so (using 18,000 samples from the training set to speed up calculations a bit). All you need to do at this point, still using the analyze.cfg configuration, is execute this script like so:

$ python fit_gmm.py --config==gncn_t1/analyze.cfg --gpu_id=0

and after your fitting process script terminates, you will see inside your model directory walkthroughs/demo1/gncn_t1/ that you have a de-serialized learned prior prior0.gmm.

With this prior model prior0.gmm and your previously trained NGC system model0.ngc, you are ready to finally estimate your marginal log likelihood log p(x). The final script provided for you, i.e., walkthroughs/demo1/eval_logpx.py, will do this for you. It simply takes your full system – the prior and the model – and calculates a Monte Carlo estimate of its log likelihood using the test set. Run this script as follows:

$ python eval_logpx.py --config==gncn_t1/analyze.cfg --gpu_id=0

and after it completes (this step can take a bit more time than the other steps, since we are computing our estimate over quite a few samples), in addition to outputting to I/O the calculated log p(x), you will see two more items in your model folder walkthroughs/demo1/gncn_t1/:

  • logpx_results.txt: the recorded marginal log likelihood

  • samples.png: some visual samples stored in an image array for you to view/assess

If you cat the first item, you should something similar to the following (which should be the same as what was printed to I/O when you evaluation script finished):

$ cat gncn_t1/logpx_results.txt
Likelihood Test:
  log[p(x)] = -103.63043212890625

and if you open and view the image samples, you should see something similar to:


Now go ahead and re-run the same steps above but for your other two models, using the final provided configuration scripts, i.e., gncn_t1_sigma/analyze.cfg and gncn_pdh/analyze.cfg. You should see similar outputs as below.

For the GNCN-t1-Sigma, you get a log likelihood of:

$ cat gncn_t1_sigma/logpx_results.txt
Likelihood Test:
  log[p(x)] = -99.73319244384766

with images as follows:


For the GNCN-PDH, you get a log likelihood of:

$ cat gncn_t1_sigma/logpx_results.txt
Likelihood Test:
  log[p(x)] = -97.39334106445312

with images as follows:


For the three models above, we get log likelihood measurements that are desirably within the right ballpack of those reported in related literature [3].

You have now successfully trained three different, powerful NGC generative models using ngc-learn’s Model Museum and analyzed their log likelihoods. While these models work/perform well, there is certainly great potential for further improvement, extensions, and alternative ideas and it is our hope that future research developments will take advantage of the tools/framework provided by ngc-learn to produce even better results.

Note: Setting the --n_trials flag to a number greater than one for the above training scripts to run each simulation for multiple, different experimental trials (each set of files/objects will be indexed by its trial number).


[1] Rao, Rajesh PN, and Dana H. Ballard. “Predictive coding in the visual cortex: a functional interpretation of some extra-classical receptive-field effects.” Nature Neuroscience 2.1 (1999): 79-87.
[2] Friston, Karl. “Hierarchical models in the brain.” PLoS Computational Biology 4.11 (2008): e1000211.
[3] Ororbia, A., and Kifer, D. The neural coding framework for learning generative models. Nature Communications 13, 2064 (2022).