Walkthrough 5: Amortized Inference

In this demonstration, we will design a simple way to conduct amortized inference to speed up the settling process of an NGC model, cutting down the number of steps needed overall. We will build a custom model, which we will call the hierarchical ISTA model or “GNCN-t1-ISTA”, and train it on the Olivetti database of face images [4]. After going through this demonstration, you will:

  1. Learn how to construct a learnable inference projection graph to initialize the states of an NGC system, facilitating amortized inference.

  2. Design a deep sparse coding model for modeling faces using the original dataset used in [4] and visualize the acquired filters of the learned representation system.

Note that the folders of interest to this demonstration are:

  • walkthroughs/demo5/: this contains the necessary simulation scripts

  • walkthroughs/data/: this contains the zipped copy of the face image arrays

Speeding Up the Settling Process with Amortized Inference

Although fitting an NGC model (a GNCN) to a data sample is a rather straightforward process, as we saw in the Demo 1 the underlying dynamics of the neural system require performing K steps of an iterative settling (inference) process to find suitable estimates of the latent neural state values. For the problem we have investigated so far, this only required around 50 steps which is not too expensive to simulate but for higher-dimensional, more complex problems, such as modeling temporal data generating processes or learning from sparse signals (as in the case of reinforcement learning), this settling process could potentially start maxing out modest computational budgets.

There are, at least, two key paths to reduce the underlying computational expense of the iterative settling process required by a predictive processing NGC model:

  1. exploit the layer-wise parallelism inherent to the NGC state and synaptic update calculations – since NGC models are not update-locked (the state predictions and weight updates do not depend on one another) as deep neural networks are, one could design a distributed algorithm where a group/system of GPUs/CPUs synchronously (or asynchronously) compute(s) layer-wise predictions and weight updates, and

  2. reduce the number of settling steps by constructing a computation process that infers the values of the latent states of a GNCN given a sensory sample(s), ultimately serving as an intelligent initialization of the state values instead of starting from zero vectors. For this second way, approaches have ranged from ancestral sampling/projection, as in deep Boltzmann machines [1] and as in for NGC systems formulated for active inference [2], to learning (jointly with the generative model) a complementary (neural) model, sometimes called a “recognition model”, in a process known as amortized inference, e.g., in sparse coding the algorithm developed to do this was called predictive sparse decomposition [3]. Amortize means, in essence, to gradually reduce the initial cost of something (whether it be an asset or activity) over a period.

While there are many ways in which one could implement amortized inference, we will focus on using ngc-learn’s ProjectionGraph to construct a simple, learnable recognition model.

The Model: Hierarchical ISTA

We will start by first constructing the model we would like to learn. Specifically, for this demonstration, we want to build a model for synthesizing human faces, specifically those contained in the Olivetti faces database.

For this part of the demonstration, you will need to unzip the data contained in walkthroughs/data/faces.zip (in the walkthroughs/data/ sub-folder) to create the necessary sub-folder which contains a single numpy array, faces/dataX.npy. This data file contains the flattened vectors of 40 images of size 256 x 256 pixels (pixel values have been normalized to the range of [0,1]), each depicting a human face. Two images sampled from the dataset (dataX.npy) are shown below:

../_images/face_img1.png ../_images/face_img2.png

We will now construct the specialized model which we will call, in the context of this demonstration, the “GNCN-t1-ISTA” (or “deep ISTA”). Specifically, we will extend our sparse coding ISTA model from Demonstration #4 to utilize an extra layer of latent variables “above”. Notably, we will use the soft-thresholding function, which can be viewed as inducing a form a local lateral competition in the latent activities to yield sparse representations, and apply to the two latent state nodes of our system.

We start by first specifying the NGC system in design shorthand:

Node Name Structure:
z2 -(z2-mu1)-> mu1 ;e1; z1 -(z1-mu0-)-> mu0 ;e0; z0

where we see that our three-layer system consists of seven nodes in total, i.e., the three latent state nodes z2, z1 and z0, the two mean prediction nodes mu1 and mu0, and the two error neuron nodes e1 and e0. Note that, when we build our recognition model later, our goal will be to infer good guess of the initial values of the z compartment of the nodes z1 and z2 (with z0 being clamped to the input image patch x).

Inside of the provided gncn_t1_ista.py, we see how the core of the system was put together with nodes and cables to create the hierarchical generative model:

x_dim = # ... dimension of patch data ...
# ---- build a hierarchical ISTA model ----
K = 10
beta = 0.05
# general model configurations
integrate_cfg = {"integrate_type" : "euler", "use_dfx" : True}
thr_cfg = {"threshold_type" : "soft_threshold", "thr_lambda" : 5e-3}
# cable configurations
init_kernels = {"A_init" : ("unif_scale",1.0)}
dcable_cfg = {"type": "dense", "init_kernels" : init_kernels, "seed" : seed}
pos_scable_cfg = {"type": "simple", "coeff": 1.0}
neg_scable_cfg = {"type": "simple", "coeff": -1.0}
constraint_cfg = {"clip_type":"forced_norm_clip","clip_mag":1.0,"clip_axis":1}

# set up system nodes
z2 = SNode(name="z2", dim=100, beta=beta, leak=0, act_fx="identity",
           integrate_kernel=integrate_cfg, threshold_kernel=thr_cfg)
mu1 = SNode(name="mu1", dim=100, act_fx="identity", zeta=0.0)
e1 = ENode(name="e1", dim=100)
z1 = SNode(name="z1", dim=100, beta=beta, leak=0, act_fx="identity",
           integrate_kernel=integrate_cfg, threshold_kernel=thr_cfg)
mu0 = SNode(name="mu0", dim=x_dim, act_fx="identity", zeta=0.0)
e0 = ENode(name="e0", dim=x_dim)
z0 = SNode(name="z0", dim=x_dim, beta=beta, integrate_kernel=integrate_cfg, leak=0.0)

# set up latent layer 2 to layer 1
z2_mu1 = z2.wire_to(mu1, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
mu1.wire_to(e1, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_mu", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)
z1.wire_to(e1, src_comp="z", dest_comp="pred_targ", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)
e1.wire_to(z2, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_bu", mirror_path_kernel=(z2_mu1,"A^T"))
e1.wire_to(z1, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=neg_scable_cfg)

# set up latent layer 1 to layer 0
z1_mu0 = z1.wire_to(mu0, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
mu0.wire_to(e0, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_mu", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)
z0.wire_to(e0, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_targ", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)
e0.wire_to(z1, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_bu", mirror_path_kernel=(z1_mu0,"A^T"))
e0.wire_to(z0, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz_td", cable_kernel=neg_scable_cfg)

# set up update rules and make relevant edges aware of these
z2_mu1.set_update_rule(preact=(z2,"phi(z)"), postact=(e1,"phi(z)"), param=["A"])
z1_mu0.set_update_rule(preact=(z1,"phi(z)"), postact=(e0,"phi(z)"), param=["A"])

# Set up graph - execution cycle/order
print(" > Constructing NGC graph")
model = NGCGraph(K=K, name="gncn_t1_ista")

Notice that we have set the number of simulated settling steps K to be quite small compared to the sparse coding models in Demonstration #4, i.e., we have drastically cut down the number of inference steps we required from K = 300 to K = 10, a highly desirable 96.6% decrease in computational cost (with respect to number of settling steps). The key is that the recognition model will learn to approximate the end-result of the settling process, and, over the course of training to an image database, progressively improve its estimates which will in turn better initialize the NGCGraph object’s iterative inference. Since the recognition model will continually chase the result of the ever-improving settling process, we short-circuit the need for longer simulated settling processes with the trade-off that our iterative inference will be a bit less accurate in general (if the recognition model, which starts off randomly initialized, provides bad starting points in the latent search space, then the settling process will have to work harder to correct for the recognition model’s deficiencies).

Constructing the Recognition Model

Building a recognition model for an NGC system is straightforward if we simply treat it as an ancestral projection graph with the key exception that it is “learnable”. Specifically, we will randomly initialize an ancestral projection graph that will compute initial “guesses” of the activity values of z1 and z2 in our deep ISTA model. It helps to, as we did with the generative model, specify the form of the recognition model in shorthand as follows:

Node Name Structure:
s0 -s0-s1-> s1 ; s1 -s1-s2-> s2
Note: s1; e1_i ; z1, s2; e2_i ; z2
Note: s0 = x  // (we clamp s0 to data)

where we emphasize the difference between the recognition model and the generative model by labeling the recognition model’s first and second latent layers as s1 and s2, respectively. Our recognition model’s goal, as explained before, will be to make its predicted value for s1 match z1 as well as make its predicted value s2 match z2, where z1 and z2 are the results of the NGCGraph model’s setting process that we designed above. This matching task is emphasized by our shorthand’s second line, where we see that the value of s1 will be compared to z1 via the error node e1_i and s2 will be compared to z2 via e2_i.

Unlike the previous projection graphs we have built in earlier walkthroughs, our recognition model runs in the “opposite” direction of our generative model – it takes in data and predicts initial values for the latent states while the generative model predicts a value for the data given the latent states. Together, the recognition and the generative model will learn to cooperate in order to produce reasonable values for the latent states z1 and z2 that could plausibly produce a given input image patch z0 = x.

To create the recognition model that will allow us to conduct amortized inference, we write the following:

# set up this NGC model's recognition model
inf_constraint_cfg = {"clip_type":"norm_clip","clip_mag":1.0,"clip_axis":0}
z2_dim = ngc_model.getNode("z2").dim
z1_dim = ngc_model.getNode("z1").dim
z0_dim = ngc_model.getNode("z0").dim

s0 = FNode(name="s0", dim=z0_dim, act_fx="identity")
s1 = FNode(name="s1", dim=z1_dim, act_fx="identity")
st1 = FNode(name="st1", dim=z1_dim, act_fx="identity")
s2 = FNode(name="s2", dim=z2_dim, act_fx="identity")
st2 = FNode(name="st2", dim=z2_dim, act_fx="identity")
s0_s1 = s0.wire_to(s1, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)
s1_s2 = s1.wire_to(s2, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="dz", cable_kernel=dcable_cfg)

# build the error neurons that examine how far off the inference model was
# from the final NGC system's latent activities
e1_inf = ENode(name="e1_inf", dim=z_dim)
s1.wire_to(e1_inf, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_mu", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)
st1.wire_to(e1_inf, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_targ", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)
e2_inf = ENode(name="e2_inf", dim=z_dim)
s2.wire_to(e2_inf, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_mu", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)
st2.wire_to(e2_inf, src_comp="phi(z)", dest_comp="pred_targ", cable_kernel=pos_scable_cfg)

# set up update rules and make relevant edges aware of these
s0_s1.set_update_rule(preact=(s0,"phi(z)"), postact=(e1_inf,"phi(z)"), param=["A"])
s1_s2.set_update_rule(preact=(s1,"phi(z)"), postact=(e2_inf,"phi(z)"), param=["A"])

sampler = ProjectionGraph()

Now all that remains is to combine the recognition model with the generative model to create the full system. Specifically, to tie the two components together, we would write the following code:

x = # ... sampled image patch (or batch of patches) ...
# run recognition model
readouts = sampler.project(
s1 = readouts[0][2]
s2 = readouts[1][2]
# now run the settling process
readouts, delta = model.settle(
                    clamped_vars=[("z0","z", x)],
x_hat = readouts[0][2]

# now compute the updates to the encoder given the current state of system
z1 = readouts[1][2]
z2 = readouts[2][2]
#z3 = readouts[3][2]
r_delta = sampler.calc_updates()

# update NGC system synaptic parameters
opt.apply_gradients(zip(delta, model.theta))
# update recognition model synaptic parameters
r_opt.apply_gradients(zip(delta, sampler.theta))

The above code snippet would generally occur within your training loop (which would be the same as the one in Demonstration #4) and can be founded integrated into the two key files provided for this demonstration, i.e., sim_train.py and gncn_t1_ista.py. Note that the gncn_t1_ista.py further illustrates how you can write a model that would fit within the general schema of ngc-learn’s Model Museum, which requires that NGC systems provide an API to their key task-specific functions. gncn_t1_ista.py specifically implements all of the code we developed above for the deep ISTA model and its corresponding recognition model while sim_train.py is used to fit the model to the Olivetti dataset you unzipped into the walkthroughs/data/ directory.

To train our deep ISTA model, you should execute the following:

python sim_train.py --config=sc_face/fit.cfg --gpu_id=0

which will simulate the training of a deep ISTA model on face image patches for about 20 iterations. After this simulated process ends, you can then run the visualization script we have created for you:

$ python viz_filters.py --model_fname=sc_face/model0.ngc --output_dir=sc_face/ --viz_encoder=True

which will produce and save two visualizations in your sc_face/ sub-directory, one plot that depicts the learned bottom layer filters for the recognition model and one for the deep ISTA model. You should see filter plots similar to those presented below:

../_images/recog_filters.jpg ../_images/model_filters.jpg

As we see, our NGC system has desirably learned low-level feature detectors corresponding to “pieces” of human faces, such as lips, noses, eyes, and other facial components. This was all learned only a few steps of simulated settling (K = 10) utilizing our learned recognition model. Notice that the low-level filters of the recognition model (the plot to the left) look similar to those acquired by the generative model but are “simpler” or less distinguished/sharp. This makes sense given that we designed our recognition model to “serve” the generative model by providing an initialization of its latent states (or “starting points” for the search for good latent states that generate the input patches). It appears that the recognition model’s facial feature detectors are broad or less-detailed versions of those contained within our hierarchical ISTA model.


[1] Srivastava, Nitish, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Geoffrey Hinton. “Modeling documents with a Deep Boltzmann Machine.” Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (2013).
[2] Ororbia, A. G. & Mali, A. Backprop-free reinforcement learning with active neural generative coding. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Vol. 36 (2022).
[3] Kavukcuoglu, Koray, Marc’Aurelio Ranzato, and Yann LeCun. “Fast inference in sparse coding algorithms with applications to object recognition.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.3467 (2010).
[4] Samaria, Ferdinando S., and Andy C. Harter. “Parameterisation of a stochastic model for human face identification.” Proceedings of 1994 IEEE workshop on applications of computer vision (1994).